Variant calling
Learning outcomes
After having completed this chapter you will be able to:
- Describe how variant information is stored in a variant call format (
) file - Describe the ‘missing genotype problem’ when calling variants of multiple samples, and the different methods on how this can be solved
- Follow
best practices workflow to perform a variant analysis by:- Applying Base Quality Score Recalibration on an alignment file
- Calling variants with
gatk HaplotypeCaller
- Combining multiple
files into a singlevcf
- Perform basic operations to get statistics of a
The paper on genomic variant call format (gVCF)
GATK best practices germline short variant workflow:

1. Indexing, indexing, indexing
Many algorithms work faster, or only work with an index of their (large) input files. In that sense, gatk
is no different from other tools. The index for a reference needs to be created in two steps:
cd ~/workdir/data/reference
samtools faidx <reference.fa>
gatk CreateSequenceDictionary --REFERENCE <reference.fa>
Also input vcf files need to be indexed. This will create a .idx
file associated with the .vcf
. You can do this like this:
gatk IndexFeatureFile --input <variants.vcf>
Exercise: Create the required gatk
indexes for:
- The reference genome
- A part of the dbsnp database:
- A part of the 1000 genomes indel golden standard:
Creating the index for the reference genome:
cd ~/workdir/data
samtools faidx reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.20.fa
gatk CreateSequenceDictionary --REFERENCE reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.20.fa
Creating the indices for the vcfs:
gatk IndexFeatureFile --input variants/1000g_gold_standard.indels.filtered.vcf
gatk IndexFeatureFile --input variants/GCF.38.filtered.renamed.vcf
Chromosome names
Unlike IGV, gatk
requires equal chromosome names for all its input files and indexes, e.g. in .fasta
, .bam
and .vcf
files. In general, for the human genome there are three types of chromosome names:
- Just a number, e.g.
- Prefixed by
. e.g.chr20
- Refseq name, e.g.
Before you start the alignment, it’s wise to check out what chromosome naming your input files are using, because changing chromosome names in a .fasta
file is easier than in a .bam
If your fasta titles are e.g. starting with a number you can add chr
to it with sed
sed s/^>/>chr/g <reference.fasta>
You can change chromsome names in a vcf with bcftools annotate
bcftools annotate --rename-chrs <tab-delimited-renaming> <input.vcf>
2. Base Quality Score Recalibration (BQSR)
BQSR evaluates the base qualities on systematic error. It can ignore sites with known variants. BQSR helps to identify faulty base calls, and therefore reduces the chance on discovering false positive variant positions.
BQSR is done in two steps:
- Recalibration with
gatk BaseRecalibrator
- By using the output of
gatk BaseRecalibrator
, the application to the bam file withgatk ApplyBQSR
Exercise: Check out the documentation of the tools. Which options are required?
For gatk BaseRecalibrator
For gatk ApplyBQSR
Exercise: Run the two commands with the required options on mother.bam
, with --known-sites
and variants/GCF.38.filtered.renamed.vcf
Multiple inputs for same argument
In some cases you need to add multiple inputs (e.g. multiple vcf
files) into the same argument (e.g. --known-sites
). To provide multiple inputs for the same argument in gatk
, you can use the same argument multiple times, e.g.:
gatk BaseRecalibrator \
--reference <reference.fa> \
--input <alignment.bam> \
--known-sites <variants1.vcf> \
--known-sites <variants2.vcf> \
--output <output.table>
cd ~/workdir
mkdir bqsr
gatk BaseRecalibrator \
--reference data/reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.20.fa \
--input alignment/mother.bam \
--known-sites data/variants/GCF.38.filtered.renamed.vcf \
--known-sites data/variants/1000g_gold_standard.indels.filtered.vcf \
--output bqsr/mother.recal.table
gatk ApplyBQSR \
--input alignment/mother.bam \
--bqsr-recal-file bqsr/mother.recal.table \
--output bqsr/mother.recal.bam
Exercise: Place these commands in a loop, that performs the BQSR for mother, father and son.
cd ~/workdir
for sample in mother father son
gatk BaseRecalibrator \
--reference data/reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.20.fa \
--input alignment/$sample.bam \
--known-sites data/variants/GCF.38.filtered.renamed.vcf \
--known-sites data/variants/1000g_gold_standard.indels.filtered.vcf \
--output bqsr/$sample.recal.table
gatk ApplyBQSR \
--input alignment/$sample.bam \
--bqsr-recal-file bqsr/$sample.recal.table \
--output bqsr/$sample.recal.bam
3. Variant calling
The command gatk HaplotypeCaller
is the core command of gatk
. It performs the actual variant calling.
Exercise: Check out the gatk HaplotypeCaller
documentation, and find out which arguments are required.
Required arguments are:
Exercise: Make a directory ~/workdir/variants
to write the output vcf. After that, run gatk HaplotypeCaller
with required options on the recalibrated alignment file of the mother (bqsr/mother.recal.bam
). We’ll focus on a small region, so add --intervals chr20:10018000-10220000
cd ~/workdir
mkdir variants
gatk HaplotypeCaller \
--reference data/reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.20.fa \
--input bqsr/mother.recal.bam \
--output variants/mother.HC.vcf \
--intervals chr20:10018000-10220000
Exercise: You can get the number of records in a vcf with piping the output of grep -v '^#'
to wc -l
. Get the number of variants in the vcf.
grep -v '^#' variants/mother.HC.vcf | wc -l
Shows you that there are 411 variants in there.
You can get some more statistics with gatk VariantsToTable
. The output can be used to easily query things in R
or MS Excel.
Here’s an example:
gatk VariantsToTable \
--variant variants/mother.HC.vcf \
--fields CHROM -F POS -F TYPE -GF GT \
--output variants/mother.HC.table
Exercise: Run the command and have a look at the first few records (use e.g. head
or less
). After that, report the number of SNPs and INDELs.
You can get the number of SNPs with:
grep -c "SNP" variants/mother.HC.table
which will give 326
And the number of INDELs with:
grep -c "INDEL" variants/mother.HC.table
that outputs 84
A more fancy way to this would be:
cut -f 3 variants/mother.HC.table | tail -n +2 | sort | uniq -c
326 SNP
We will do the variant calling on all three samples. Later we want to combine the variant calls. For efficient merging of vcfs, we will need to output the variants as a GVCF. To do that, we will use the option --emit-ref-confidence GVCF
. Also, we’ll visualise the haplotype phasing with IGV in the next section. For that we’ll need a phased bam. You can get this output with the argument --bam-output
Exercise: Run gatk HaplotypeCaller
for mother, father and son by using a loop, and by using the arguments in the previous exercise. On top of that add the arguments --emit-ref-confidence GVCF
and --bamoutput <phased.bam>
cd ~/workdir
for sample in mother father son
gatk HaplotypeCaller \
--reference data/reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.20.fa \
--input bqsr/$sample.recal.bam \
--output variants/$sample.HC.g.vcf \
--bam-output variants/$sample.phased.bam \
--intervals chr20:10018000-10220000 \
--emit-ref-confidence GVCF
4. Combining GVCFs
Now that we have all three GVCFs of the mother, father and son, we can combine them into a database. We do this because it enables us to later add GVCFs (with the option --genomicsdb-update-workspace-path
), and to efficiently combine them into a single vcf.
You can generate a GenomicsDB on our three samples like this:
cd ~/workdir
gatk GenomicsDBImport \
--variant variants/mother.HC.g.vcf \
--variant variants/father.HC.g.vcf \
--variant variants/son.HC.g.vcf \
--intervals chr20:10018000-10220000 \
--genomicsdb-workspace-path genomicsdb
Exercise: Run this command to generate the database.
You can retrieve the combined vcf from the database with gatk GenotypeGVCFs
gatk GenotypeGVCFs \
--reference data/reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.20.fa \
--variant gendb://genomicsdb \
--intervals chr20:10018000-10220000 \
--output variants/trio.vcf
Exercise: Run this command to generate the combined vcf.