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General information and course material

General objectives

Interpret phylogenetic trees and alignments; general understanding of how trees are inferred; knowing the definition of orthology, paralogy and their subtypes; understanding the difference between pairwise and groupwise comparisons; ability to perform orthology inference through tree overlap method; ability to retrieve orthology information from the OMA database; ability to infer orthologs using the OMA standalone pipeline.

Course material

Lecture: Overview, objectives, motivation, concept of orthologs, HOGs

Download the presentation

Module 1: Genes, groups, and genomes in the OMA Browser

Download the presentation

Module 2: Fast placement with OMAmer

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Module 3: FastOMA

Download the presentation

Module 4: Building Species Trees

Download the presentation

Course gitlab repository

The gitlab repository to run all the practicals is available at


Remember to open a Gitpod workspace before starting the practicals. Click here for more information on Gitpod workspace.

Working directories

You can find the working directories of Modules 2, 3, and 4 in the following list:

Exercises ouputs

You can find the expected outputs of Modules 2, 3, and 4 in the following list: