
A set of SPARQL examples that are used in different SIB resources

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Statistics for SPARQL algebra features in use

Some basic statisics on SPARQL algebra features, as determined after parsing with RDF4j.

Statitics are collected over 1137 queries. Using 6.63 statement patterns per query.

Type Count Queries
Statement patterns 7539 1134
Filter 794 579
Optional 72 44
Property path 121 88
Service 118 95
Union 133 87
Minus 2 2
Exists 186 127
Group 144 136
Order 155 154
Aggregate 404 136
- Average 8 4
- Count 310 114
- GroupConcat 46 20
- Max 4 2
- Min 4 2
- Sample 22 8
- Sum 10 3

Note describe queries may have zero statement patterns.

Statistics for SPARQL variables and constants

This is distinct constants and variables. Two uses of the same IRI predicate in multiple triple paterns count as one constant.

Count Avg
Variables 15095 13.28
Constants 8462 7.44