A set of SPARQL examples that are used in different SIB resources
Check there are no entries with expression information annotations from HPA for which the evidence code is NOT immunohistochemistry evidence, RNA-sequencing evidence or single-cell RNA-sequencing evidence
PREFIX : <http://nextprot.org/rdf/>
PREFIX cv: <http://nextprot.org/rdf/terminology/>
PREFIX source: <http://nextprot.org/rdf/source/>
select distinct ?entry where {
?entry :isoform /:expressionInfo /:evidence ?ev1.
?ev1 :assignedBy source:Human_protein_atlas.
?ev1 :evidenceCode ?eco.
filter (?eco not in (cv:ECO_0001055,cv:ECO_0000295,cv:ECO_0001560))
graph TD
classDef projected fill:lightgreen;
classDef literal fill:orange;
classDef iri fill:yellow;
a1((" "))
a2((" "))
f0[["?eco != ':terminology/ECO_0001055'?eco != ':terminology/ECO_0000295'?eco != ':terminology/ECO_0001560'"]]
f0 --> v1
v2 --":isoform"--> a1
a1 --":expressionInfo"--> a2
a2 --":evidence"--> v3
v3 --":assignedBy"--> c8
v3 --":evidenceCode"--> v1