A set of SPARQL examples that are used in different SIB resources
Check there are no entries whose gene is not located on the plus or minus strand or where the strand is unknown
PREFIX : <http://nextprot.org/rdf/>
PREFIX cv: <http://nextprot.org/rdf/terminology/>
select distinct ?entry ?strand where {
?entry :gene / :strand ?strand .
filter (!regex (?strand, '1'))
filter (!regex (?strand, '-1'))
filter (!regex (?strand, '0'))
graph TD
classDef projected fill:lightgreen;
classDef literal fill:orange;
classDef iri fill:yellow;
a1((" "))
f0[["not regex(?strand,'0')"]]
f0 --> v1
f1[["not regex(?strand,'-1')"]]
f1 --> v1
f2[["not regex(?strand,'1')"]]
f2 --> v1
v2 --":gene"--> a1
a1 --":strand"--> v1