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Overview of Project 2

The course consists of three main parts:

  1. In the first part everyone will work on the same data (Project 2A). We will use a semi-automated workflow to segment time-lapse movie of 2D microfluidic flowcells and analyze how the frequency of two interacting cell types changes over time. In this part everyone works on independently.
  2. In the second part we will split the group into two. Half the group will use Delta2.0 to segment and track micro-colonies growing on agar pads (Project 2B). The other half will use BACMMAN to segment and track cells growing in 1D mother-machine microfluidic flowcells (Project 2C). In this part everyone works on independently.
  3. In the third part we will use data we obtained in the second part to try to answer biological questions. In this part you are encouraged to team up in pairs and work together.