General guidelines
Course goal
Throughout the course, you will implement and improve a workflow to trim bulk RNAseq reads, align them to a genome, perform some quality checks (QC), count mapped reads, and identify Differentially Expressed Genes (DEG). After the last series of exercises, you will have implemented a simple workflow with commonly used Snakemake features. You will be able to use this workflow as a reference to implement your own workflows in the future.
All the software needed in this workflow is either:
- Already installed in the
conda environment - Already installed in a Docker container
- Will be installed via conda environments/containers during today’s exercises
All information of this course is based on the official documentation for Snakemake version 8.20.5
Website colour code explanation
We tried to use a colour code throughout the website to make the different pieces of information easily distinguishable. Here’s a quick summary about the colour blocks you will encounter:
This is a supplementary piece of information
This is a tip to help you solve an exercise
This is the answer to an exercise
This is a warning about a potential problem
This is an explanation about a common bug/error
Each series of exercises is divided into multiple questions. Each question provides a background explanation, a description of the task at hand and additional details when required.
Hints for challenging questions
For the most challenging questions, hints will be provided. However, you should first try to solve the problem without them!
Do not hesitate to modify and overwrite your code from previous answers as difficulty is incremental. The questions are designed to incite you to build your answers upon the previous ones.
Restarting from a clean Snakefile
- If you feel that you drifted too far apart from the solution, you can always restart from files provided in the solutions folder of the course repository
- At the start of sessions 3 and 4, you will also find a short note with a command to download the complete Snakefile from the previous session
If something is not clear at any point, please call us and we will do our best to answer your questions! You can also check the official Snakemake documentation for more information.
Computing environment
Development and computation
You can develop and write your scripts in a distant folder (using an ssh
connection via VS code, recommended) or locally (if you do so, you will need to copy them on the server with scp
before running them), but remember that all computation should be performed on the server, so don’t forget to log in!.
Error: Command not found
If you try to run a command and get an error such as Command 'snakemake' not found
, you are probably in the wrong conda environment:
- To list available conda environments, use
conda env list
- To activate an environment, use
conda activate <env_name>
- To deactivate an environment, use
conda deactivate
- To list packages installed in an environment, activate it and use
conda list
. The computing environment on the server is calledsnakemake