Course preparations

R and Rstudio

Follow the instructions here to download and install R and RStudio. We’re going to need R version > 4.1.2 and the latest version of RStudio, so if you were planning to update, now is a good time to do so!


Follow instructions to install quarto here.

R packages

Install and/or update the following packages from CRAN:


Git and GitHub

To install and/or update git, follow the instructions of Jennifer Bryan’s happy git with R.

If you haven’t already got one, make an account on GitHub, and make sure you can push and pull to GitHub either through https or with an ssh key. If you haven’t set that up yet, set up a Personal Access Token to enable a connection through https. In short, this means that you have to:

  • Go to and click Generate new token > New personal access token (classic)

  • Write a note, give it an expiration date and select the full repo scope

  • Click Generate token

  • If git asks for a password, use the PAT as your password