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Server login + unix fresh up

To conduct the practicals of this course, we will be using a dedicated High Performance Computing cluster. This matches the reality of most NGS workflows, which cannot be completed in a reasonable time on a single machine.

To interact with this cluster, you will have to log in to a distant head node. From there you will be able to distribute your computational tasks to the cluster using a job scheduler called Slurm.

This page will cover our first contact with the distant cluster.

You will learn to :

  • understand a typical computer cluster architecture.
  • connect to the server.
  • use the command line to perform basic operations on the head node.
  • exchange files between the server and your own machine.
  • submit a job to the cluster.


If you are doing this course on your own, then the distant server provided within the course will not be available. Feel free to ignore or adapt any of the following steps to your own situation.

The computing cluster

The computing cluster follows an architecture that enables several users to distribute computational tasks among several machines which share a number of resources, such as a common file system.


Users do not access each machine individually, but rather connect to a head node. From there, they can interact with the cluster using the job scheduler (here slurm). The job scheduler’s role is to manage where and how to run the jobs of all users, such that waiting time is minimized and resource usage is shared and optimized.


Everyone is connected to the same head node. Do not perform compute-intensive tasks on it, or you will slow everyone down!

Connect to the server

Say you want to connect to cluster with address xx.xx.xx.xx and your login is login.


If you are doing this course with a teacher, use the link, login and password provided before or during the course.

The first step will be to open a terminal, a software that provides a command-line interface to a computer.

Open a terminal, for instance with the application Xterm, or Xquartz.

Open a new terminal.

Open the application mobaXterm (or any ssh-enabling terminal application you prefer).

On mobaXterm, click on “Start a local Terminal”.

In the terminal, type the following command:

ssh login@xx.xx.xx.xx

When prompted for your password, type it and press Enter.


There is no cursor or ‘●’ character appearing while you type your password. This is normal. Deleting characters also works invisibly.

After a few seconds, you should be logged into the head node and ready to begin.

Using command line on the cluster

Now that you are in the head node, it is time to get acquainted with your environment and to prepare the upcoming practicals. We will also use this as a short reminder about the UNIX command line.

Commands are issued using a shell command language. The one on our server is called bash. You can refer to this nice Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet (page 1 in particular) for reviewing common commands.

At any time, you can get the file system location (folder/directory) your terminal is currently in, by typing the “print working directory” command:


When you start a session on a distant computer, you are placed in your home directory. So the cluster should return something like:


From then, we are going to do a little step-by-step practical to go through some of bash’s most useful commands for this course.

Creating a directory


Use the command line to create a repository called mouseMT where you will put all materials relating to the analysis of the mouseMT dataset.

mkdir mouseMT


Move your terminal’s connection to that directory.

cd mouseMT

The directory /shared/data/ contains data and solutions for most practicals.


List the content of the /shared/data/ directory.

ls /shared/data/


You don’t need to move to that directory to list its contents!


Copy the script from /shared/data/Solutions/mouseMT into your current directory, and then print the content of this script to the screen.


cp /shared/data/Solutions/mouseMT/ .
#SBATCH --job-name=fastqc_mouseMT
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=1G
#SBATCH -o 010_l_fastqc_mouseMT.o

ml fastqc

# creating the output folder
mkdir -p 010_d_fastqc/

fastqc -o 010_d_fastqc /shared/data/DATA/mouseMT/*.fastq

We’ll see what all this means soon.

Creating and editing a file

To edit files on the distant server, we will use the command line editor nano. It is far from the most complete or efficient one, but it can be found on most servers, and is arguably among the easiest to start with.


Alternatively, feel free to use any other CLI editor you prefer, such as vi.

To start editing a file named test.txt, type :

    nano test.txt

You will be taken to the nano interface :

nano screenshot

Type in your favorite movie quote, and then exit by pressing Ctrl+x (command+x on a Mac keyboard), and then y and Enter when prompted to save the modifications you just made.

You can check that your modifications were saved by typing

more test.txt

Exchanging files with the server

Whether you want to transfer some data to the cluster or retrieve the results of your latest computation, it is important to be able to exchange files with the distant server.

There exists several alternatives, depending on your platform and preferences.

There are nice and free software with graphical user interfaces, such as filezilla, to help you manage exchanges with the distant server. Feel free to install and experiment with it during the break. filezilla_mainscreen

If you are using mobaXterm, the left panel should provide a graphical SFTP browser in the left sidebar which allows you to browse and drag and drop files directly from/to the remote server.


We will use scp.

To copy a file from the server to your machine, use this syntax on a terminal in your local machine (open a new terminal if necessary).

scp <login>@<server-adress>:/path/to/file/on/server/file.txt /local/destination/

For example, to copy the file test.txt you just created in the folder day1/, to your current (local) working directory (NB: here ~ will be interpreted as your home directory, this is a useful and time-saving shorthand):

scp login@xx.xx.xx.xx:~/day1/test.txt .

To copy a file from your machine to the server:

scp /path/to/file/local/file.txt <login>@<server-adress>:/destination/on/server/


Retrieve the file test.txt, which you created in the previous practicals, from the distant server to your local machine.


Create a text file on your local computer (using wordpad on windows, Text Edit on Mac, or gedit on linux). Save that file, and then send it to the distant server.


For Windows users, if you edit files on your computer before sending them to the server, you will likely see strange character at the end of the file lines.

This is because Windows ends line with “\r\n” while Unix uses just “\n”. This can be solved using the dos2unix command line tool:

dos2unix <filename>

bash scripts

So far we have been executing bash commands in the interactive shell. This is the most common way of dealing with our data on the server for simple operations.

However, when you have to do some more complex tasks, such as what we will be doing with our RNA-seq data, you will want to use scripts. These are just normal text files which contain bash commands.

Scripts :

  • keep a written trace of your analysis, so they enhance its reproducibility.
  • make it easier to correct something in an analysis (you don’t have to retype the whole command, just change the part that is wrong).
  • often necessary when we want to submit big computing jobs to the cluster.

Create a new text file named on the server (you can use nano or create it on your local machine and later transfer it to the server).

Then, type this into the file:


## this is a comment, here to document this script
## whatever is after # is not interpreted as code.

# the echo command prints whatever text follows to the screen: 
echo "looking at the size of the elements of /shared/data/"

sleep 15 # making the script wait for 15 seconds - this is just so we can see it later on. 

# du : "disk usage", a command that returns the size of a folder structure.
du -h -d 2 /shared/data/

The first line is not 100% necessary at this step, but it will be in the next part, so we might as well put it in now. It helps some software know that this file contains bash code.

Then to execute the script, navigate in a terminal open on the server to the place where the script is, and execute the following command:



Be sure to execute the script from the folder that it is in. Otherwise you would have to specify in which folder to find the script using its path.

This should have printed some information about the size of /shared/data/ subfolders to the screen.

Submitting jobs

Submitting a simple script

Jobs can be submitted to the compute cluster using bash scripts, with an optional little preamble which tells the cluster about your computing resource requirements, and a few additional options.

Each time a user submits a job to the cluster, SLURM checks how much resources they asked for, with respect to the amount available right now in the cluster and how much resources are allowed for that user.

If there are enough resources available, then it will launch the job on one or several of its worker nodes. If not, then it will wait for the required resources to become available, and then launch the job.

To start with, you can have a look at what is happening right now in the cluster with the command:


On the small course server, there should not be much (if anything), but on a normal cluster you would see something like:

JOBID     PARTITION           NAME                USER      STATE     TIME        TIME_LIMIT  QOS       NODELIST(REASON)
48175517  a100                cryocare            user1     PENDING   0:00        6:00:00     gpu6hours (None)                                  
48168955  a100                ecoli_pool2         user2     RUNNING   4:09:18     6:00:00     6hours    sgi77                                   
47806032  a100                GAN_final           user3     RUNNING   4-04:10:20  13-20:00:00 projects  sgi64                                   
47975434  a100                GAN_256_8192        user3     RUNNING   1-18:21:39  7-00:00:00  1week     sgi71                                   
48174629  a100                x-35780_y20062      user4     RUNNING   13:36       7:00:00     gpu1day   sgi74                                   

The columns correspond to :

  • JOBID : the job id, which is the number that SLURM uses to identify any job
  • PARTITION : which part of the cluster is that job executing at
  • NAME : the name of the job
  • USER : which user submitted the job
  • STATE : whether the job is currently RUNNING, PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED
  • TIME : how long has this job been running for
  • TIME_LIMIT : how long will the job be allowed to run
  • QOS : which queue of the cluster does the job belong to. Queues are a way to organize jobs in different categories of resource usage.
  • NODELIST(REASON) : which worker node(s) is the job running on.

You can look up more info on squeue documentation.

Now, you will you will want to execute your script as a job on the cluster.

This can be done with the sbatch command.

The script can stay the same (for now), but there is an important aspect of sbatch we want to handle: the script will not be executing in our terminal directly, but on a worker node.

That means that there is no screen to print to. So, in order to still be able to view the output of the script, SLURM will write the printed output into a file which we will be able to read when the job is finished (with more or less). By default, SLURM will name this file something like slurm-<jobid>.out, which is not very informative to us; so, instead of keeping the default, we will give our own output file name to sbatch with the option -o. For example, I will name it myOutput.o.

In the terminal, navigate to where you have you file on the distant server and type

sbatch -o myOutput.o

You should see an output like:

sbatch: Submitted batch job 41

Letting you know that your job has the jobid 41 (surely yours will be different).

Directly after this, quickly type:


If you were fast enough, then you will see your script PENDING or RUNNING.

If not, then that means that your script has finished running. You do not know yet if it succeeded or failed. To check this, you need to have a look at the output file, myOutput.o in our case.

If everything worked, you will see the normal output of your script. Otherwis, you will see some error messages.

Specifying resources needed to SLURM

When submitting the previous job, we did not specify our resource requirements to SLURM, which means that SLURM assigned it the default: * 1 hour * 1 CPU * 1 GB of RAM

Often, we will want something different from that, and so we will use options in order to specify what we need.

For example:

  • --time=00:30:00 : time reserved for the job : 30min.
  • --mem=2G : memory for the job: 2GB
  • --cpus-per-task=4 : 4 CPUs for the job

Your sbatch command line will quickly grow to be long and unwieldy. It can also be difficult to remember exactly how much RAM and time we need for each script.

To address this, SLURM provides a fairly simple way to add this information to the scripts themselves, by adding lines starting with #SBATCH after the first line.

For our example, it could look like this:

#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=2G
#SBATCH -o test_log.o

echo "looking at the size of the elements of /shared/data/"
sleep 15 # making the script wait for 15 seconds - this is just so we can see it later on. 
# `du` is "disk usage", a command that returns the size of a folder structure.
du -h -d 2 /shared/data/

I also added the following options :

  • #SBATCH --job-name=test : the job name
  • #SBATCH -o test_log.o : file to write output or error messages

We would then submit the script with a simple sbatch without additional options.


Create a new file named, copy the code above into it, save, then submit this file to the job scheduler using the following command :


Use the command squeue to monitor the jobs submitted to the cluster.

Check the output of your job in the output file test_log.o.


When there are a lot of jobs, squeue -u <username> will limit the list to those of the specified user.

Advanced cluster usage : loading modules

During our various analyses, we will call upon numerous software.

Fortunately, in most cases we do not have to install each of these ourselves onto the cluster : they have already been packaged, prepared and made available to you or your code.

However, by default, these are not loaded, and you have to explicitly load the module containing the software you want in your script (or in the interactive shell session).

Question: Why aren’t all the modules already pre-loaded ?


Many toolsets have dependencies toward different, sometimes incompatible libraries. Packaging each tool independently and loading them separately circumvents this, as you only load what you need, and you can always unload a toolset if you need to load another, incompatible, toolset.

Modules are managed with the module command.

Basic commands are :

  • module list : lists currently loaded modules
  • module load <modulename> alias ml <modulename> : loads module <modulename>
  • module unload <modulename> : unloads module <modulename>
  • module purge : unloads all loaded modules
  • module avail : lists all modules available for loading
  • module keyword <KW> : lists all modules available for loading which contains <KW>

Try it for yourself: soon, we will need the fastqc software.

If we type in the terminal:

fastqc --help
this should give you an error, telling you there is no such command.

We will try to find a module containing our desired software using module keyword

module keyword fastqc

which will output:


The following modules match your search criteria: "fastqc"

  fastqc: fastqc/0.11.5, fastqc/0.11.8, fastqc/0.11.9 
    FastQC is a quality control application for high throughput sequence data. It reads in sequence data in a variety of formats and
    can either provide an interactive application to review the results of several different QC checks, or create an HTML based
    report which can be integrated into a pipeline. - Homepage:


To learn more about a package execute:

   $ module spider Foo

where "Foo" is the name of a module.

To find detailed information about a particular package you
must specify the version if there is more than one version:

   $ module spider Foo/11.1


This tells us that a module name fastqc exists. It has different versions available (0.11.5,0.11.8,0.11.9). The default is the rightmost one, which works well for us.

So, if we load this module before executing fastqc:

ml fastqc # shortcut for "module load fastqc"
fastqc --help
Now you should not have any error, and you should see the help test of fastqc


Our module provider is ComputeCanada, which has a lot of available software. To avoid storing all these on our cluster, each time a new module is loaded, it is fetched first from the Compute Canada servers, so sometimes it can take a bit of time to load a module for the first time.

Advanced cluster usage : job array

Often, we have to repeat a similar analysis on a number of files, or for a number of different parameters. Rather than writing each sbatch script individually, we can rely on job arrays to facilitate our task.

The idea is to have a single script which will execute itself several times. Each of these executions is called a task, and they are all the same, save for one variable which whose value changes from 1 to the number of tasks in the array.

We typically use this variable, named $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID to fetch different lines of a file containing information on the different tasks we want to run (in general, different input file names).


In bash, we use variables to store information, such as a file name or parameter value.

Variables can be created with a statement such as:


where variable myVar now stores the value 10.

The variable content can then be accessed with:


You do not really need more to understand what follows, but if you are curious, you can consult this small tutorial.

Say you want to execute a command, on 10 files (for example, map the reads of 10 samples).

You first create a file containing the name of your files (one per line); let’s call it readFiles.txt.

Then, you write an sbatch array job script:

#SBATCH --job-name=test_array
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=1G
#SBATCH -o test_array_log.%a.o
#SBATCH --array 1-10%5

echo "job array id" $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID

# sed -n <X>p <file> : retrieve line <X> of file
# so the next line grabs the file name corresponding to our job array task id and stores it in the variable ReadFileName 
ReadFileName=`sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p readFiles.txt`

# here we would put the mapping command or whatever
echo $ReadFileName

Some things have changed compared to the previous sbatch script :

  • #SBATCH --array 1-10%5 : will spawn independent tasks with IDs from 1 to 10, and will manage them so that at most 5 run at the same time.
  • #SBATCH -o test_array_log.%a.o : the %a will take the value of the array task ID. So we will have 1 log file per task (so 10 files).
  • $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID : changes value between the different tasks. This is what we use to execute the same script on different files (using sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p)

Furthermore, this script uses the concept of bash variable.

Many things could be said on that, but I will keep it simple with this little demo code:

foo=123                # Initialize variable foo with 123
                       #   !warning! it will not work if you put spaces in there

# we can then access this variable content by putting a $ sign in front of it:

echo $foo              # Print variable foo, sensitive to special characters
echo ${foo}            # Another way to print variable foo, not sensitive to special characters

OUTPUT=`wc -l du -h -d 2 /shared/data/` # puts the result of the command 
                                        #   between `` in variable OUTPUT

echo $OUTPUT           # print variable output

So now, this should help you understand the trick we use in the array script:

ReadFileName=`sed -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p readFiles.txt`

Where, for example for task 3, ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} is equal to 3.

We feed this to sed, so that it grabs the 3rd line of readFiles.txt, and we put that value into the ReadFileName.