Variant annotation

Ensembl VEP (Variant effect predictor)

SLIDES -> Variant annotation

VEP is a powerful and flexible tool for annotating, analyzing, and prioritizing genomic variants. It is particularly useful in cancer genomics, where understanding the functional impact of somatic mutations is crucial for research and clinical applications. We can answer questions like:

  • How damaging is a certain somatic mutation (according to reference databases)
  • What is the impact of this mutation in the particular cancer type of study
  • Is the mutation known for that cancer?
  • Is there a relation with a certain mutation and a chemotherapeutic (or a class of them)

Why do we need a tool like VEP?

In the genomic era we can get thousands of somatic mutations and those are rarely analyzed one by one. We need a way to summarize those SNVs consistently and to understand which are the variants to focus on. In this context a tool like VEP becomes very useful.

Key Concepts

Install VEP

VEP is already pre-installed on the cloud server. In order to load the environment, run:

mamba activate ngs-tools

If you want to install VEP locally or on your compute cluster, you can follow the instructions below.

# Installing Conda #
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm ~/miniconda3/
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate
conda init --all

# Using Conda
conda create -n vep samtools python=3.10 ensembl-vep=113
# conda install -c bioconda ensembl-vep=113 # if installing in current env

# Activate VEP's env
conda activate vep

# PLEASE DO RUN During the course, only if you follow locally
# Install all the data locally
#vep_install -a cf -s homo_sapiens -y GRCh38

# Plugins installation
# vep_install -a p --PLUGINS all

Instead of conda you could try installing mamba. If you are on Unix-based system this is simple mamba.
If you are following along the course, mamba is already installed for you, with all the software required for this course. In this case you can activate the enviroment with mamba activate ngs-tools.

Transcript Selection

VEP can report consequences for all transcripts overlapping a variant. However, this often results in multiple annotations per variant. Several approaches are available to handle this:

  • --pick: Selects one consequence per variant based on a predefined hierarchy (e.g., HIGH > MODERATE > LOW > MODIFIER)
  • --pick_allele: Selects one consequence per variant allele
  • --pick_allele_gene: Selects one consequence per variant allele per gene
  • --per_gene: Selects one consequence per gene
  • --flag_pick: Flags the selected consequence while retaining others

Consequence Priority

VEP ranks consequences by severity: Cancer somatic mut Figure 1: Image from the Ensembl VEP website.

Consequence Impact Description
Transcript ablation HIGH Complete deletion of a gene transcript
Splice acceptor variant HIGH Variant at the 3’ end of an intron that disrupts RNA splicing
Splice donor variant HIGH Variant at the 5’ end of an intron that disrupts RNA splicing
Stop gained HIGH Variant that introduces a premature stop codon
Frameshift variant HIGH Insertion/deletion causing reading frame disruption
Stop lost HIGH Variant removes stop codon, extending protein length
Start lost HIGH Loss of start codon prevents proper translation initiation
Transcript amplification HIGH Increased copy number of transcript regions
Inframe insertion MODERATE Insertion of bases in multiples of 3, no frameshift
Inframe deletion MODERATE Deletion of bases in multiples of 3, no frameshift
Missense variant MODERATE Single nucleotide change causing amino acid substitution
Protein altering variant MODERATE Variant changes protein sequence

Practical Exercises

In case that you do not have the Mutect2 call and/or the CNVkit call, you can obtain those from here. In this folder there are also a and some folders containing preprocessed data for the addional resources that we will use with Ensembl-VEP.

If you are following along the course you should download and extract the data into your project/ folder.

--cache option

By default VEP will install the cache and plugins into your home folder (~/.vep/) and if that is the case, then you can leeave it like --cache. - If you are following along the course, you need to change the cache folder to --cache /data/.vep or VEP will not find the local cache.

Basic VEP Analysis

Objective: Annotate a small VCF file and understand the basic output format.

Input Data:

chr7    55242465    rs121913529    A    T    .    PASS    .
chr17    7577121    rs28934578    C    T    .    PASS    .
chr13    32936646    rs28897743    C    T    .    PASS    .
chr17    7674894    rs28934574    G    A    .    PASS    .
chr13    32914438    rs80357090    T    C    .    PASS    .
chr17    41245466    rs28897686    G    A    .    PASS    .
chr3    178936091    rs63751289    G    A    .    PASS    .
chr10    89624230    rs61751507    G    A    .    PASS    .
chr11    108098576    rs386833395    G    A    .    PASS    .
chr4    55141055    rs1800744    A    G    .    PASS    .
chr1    11190510    rs6603781    G    A    .    PASS    .
chr7    140453136    rs121913530    A    T    .    PASS    .
chr5    112175770    rs121913343    C    T    .    PASS    .

Task: Annotate these variants using VEP and identify which genes are affected.


VEP can be provided with a VCF file as an input (or vcf.gz + index) file or other formats, see documentation here

vep -i cancer_variants.vcf \
--cache /data/.vep \
--species homo_sapiens \
--assembly GRCh38 \
--offline --format vcf \
--symbol \
--force_overwrite \
--domains \
--sift b \
--polyphen b \
--output_file output.txt

# 0. from your terminal go to your project folder
cd ~/project

# 1. First, create a script that will generate our VCF file. 
# Copy this code (from #!/usr/bin/env bash) into a new file named ``
# with the command `nano`:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo -e '##fileformat=VCFv4.2
##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency">
chr5\t112175770\trs121913343\tC\tT\t.\tPASS\t.' > cancer_variants.vcf

# 2. Make the script executable:
chmod +x

# 3. Run the script:

# 4. Verify the file was created correctly:
# Check the content
cat cancer_variants.vcf

# Make sure you have 13 variants
grep -v '^#' cancer_variants.vcf | wc -l  # it should show 13

# Run VEP ~< 5min
vep -i cancer_variants.vcf \
    --cache /data/.vep \
    --species homo_sapiens \
    --offline \
    --force_overwrite \
    --assembly GRCh38 \
    --format vcf \
    --symbol \
    --sift b \
    --polyphen b \
    --pick \
    --domains \
    --output_file output.txt

# Some of the variants affect:

## VEP command-line: vep --assembly GRCh38 --cache /data/.vep --database 0 --force_overwrite --format vcf --input_file cancer_variants.vcf --offline --output_file output.txt --pick --symbol
#Uploaded_variation Location    Allele  Gene    Feature Feature_type    Consequence cDNA_position   CDS_position    Protein_position    Amino_acids Codons  Existing_variation  Extra
rs121913529 chr7:55242465   T   ENSG00000280890 ENST00000626532 Transcript  intron_variant,non_coding_transcript_variant    -   -   -   -   -   -   IMPACT=MODIFIER;STRAND=-1;SYMBOL=ELDR;SYMBOL_SOURCE=HGNC;HGNC_ID=HGNC:49511
rs28934578  chr17:7577121   T   ENSG00000161960 ENST00000293831 Transcript  missense_variant    597 580 194 D/Y Gac/Tac -   IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=1;SYMBOL=EIF4A1;SYMBOL_SOURCE=HGNC;HGNC_ID=HGNC:3282
rs28897743  chr13:32936646  T   -   -   -   intergenic_variant  -   -   -   -   -   -   IMPACT=MODIFIER
rs28934574  chr17:7674894   A   ENSG00000141510 ENST00000269305 Transcript  stop_gained 779 637 213 R/* Cga/Tga -   IMPACT=HIGH;STRAND=-1;SYMBOL=TP53;SYMBOL_SOURCE=HGNC;HGNC_ID=HGNC:11998
rs28897686  chr17:41245466  A   ENSG00000241595 ENST00000334109 Transcript  upstream_gene_variant   -   -   -   -   -   -   IMPACT=MODIFIER;DISTANCE=4221;STRAND=1;SYMBOL=KRTAP9-4;SYMBOL_SOURCE=HGNC;HGNC_ID=HGNC:18902

rs28934574 from this example is a TP53 stop gained mutation commonly found in cancer.

You can try to run without --pick and --everything see what happens.

After running the command you will also notice a output.txt_summary.html that will show some statistics on the annotation process. If you tried running --everything or -e this is a shortcut for the following options:

--sift b, --polyphen b, --ccds, --hgvs, --symbol, --numbers, --domains, --regulatory, --canonical, --protein, --biotype, --af, --af_1kg, --af_esp, --af_gnomade, --af_gnomadg, --max_af, --pubmed, --uniprot, --mane, --tsl, --appris, --variant_class, --gene_phenotype, --mirna 

This an example of the highput from the TP53 mutation

Field Value Description
Uploaded Variation rs28934574 dbSNP identifier
Location chr17:7674894 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38)
Allele A Alternative allele
Gene ENSG00000141510 Ensembl gene ID for TP53
Transcript ENST00000455263 Ensembl transcript ID
Feature Type Transcript Type of genomic feature affected
Consequence stop_gained Creates premature stop codon
cDNA Position 770 Position in the cDNA
CDS Position 637 Position in the coding sequence
Protein Position 213 Position in the protein
Amino Acids R/* Change from Arginine to stop codon
Codons Cga/Tga Codon change
Impact HIGH Severity of variant impact
Symbol TP53 HGNC gene symbol
Biotype protein_coding Type of transcript
CCDS CCDS45605.1 Consensus CDS identifier
UniProt P04637.305 UniProt protein identifier
HGVSc ENST00000455263.6:c.637C>T Coding sequence change in HGVS notation
HGVSp ENSP00000398846.2:p.Arg213Ter Protein change in HGVS notation
Clinical Significance pathogenic Clinical interpretation
gnomAD AF 1.368e-06 Allele frequency in gnomAD
Maximum AF 1.656e-05 Maximum allele frequency observed

You can have a look at the documentation to learn more about VEP’s many options here

Damage prediction tools
  • SIFT: Based on sequence homology and physical properties of amino acids
  • PolyPhen: Combines sequence-based features with structural information

Mutect2 results annotation

In the example above we used an example to undestand how to run VEP and some different arguments that can make a big difference in the output generated and the information provided.

If we use the results coming from the somatic call from the WES of chr6 and chr17 we get a table of variants. These results can be enriched with annotations. Let’s use VEP to annotate this file

Extract from the resulting Mutect2 somatic call

chr17   745040    .   G   T   .   PASS
chr17   1492466   .   C   T   .   PASS
chr17   2364457   .   T   G   .   PASS
chr17   3433669   .   G   T   .   PASS
chr17   4545725   .   T   C   .   PASS
chr17   4934441   .   G   T   .   PASS
chr17   5007047   .   C   T   .   PASS
chr17   7560755   .   G   A   .   PASS
chr17   7588500   .   G   C   .   PASS
chr6    325357    .   G   A   .   PASS
chr6    325783    .   G   C   .   PASS
chr6    325901    .   G   A   .   PASS
chr6    1916336   .   G   A   .   PASS
chr6    2674999   .   A   C   .   PASS
chr6    2834013   .   C   G   .   PASS
chr6    2840548   .   C   T   .   PASS
chr6    3723708   .   C   G   .   PASS

Using VEP to annotate Mutect2 variants

The somatic variant call can be annotated with this command

vep -i ~/project/course_data/resources/Mutect2_data/somatic.filtered.PASS.vcf.gz \
--cache /data/.vep \
--species homo_sapiens \
--assembly GRCh38 \
--offline \
--format vcf \
--symbol \
--force_overwrite \
--everything \
--output_file chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated.txt
Output to VCF

What if the output of this file should be formatted as vcf instead? You can check VEP’s documentation here

With the option --output_file you can use vcf. After you can compress the VCF bgzip <output_file.vcf> and then you can index it tabix -p vcf <output_file.vcf.gz>. If you see VEP’s documentation there is an option to skip bgzip and instead incorporating it directly in VEP, which will be doing the compression for you --compress_output bgzip in the call. Afterwards you still need to index the file.

Interesting results: We will obtain a file with many annotations.

chr6_1930220_GA/TT chr6:1930220-1930221 TT ENSG00000112699 ENST00000380815 Transcript stop_gained 836-837 653-654 218 F/* tTC/tAA - IMPACT=HIGH;STRAND=-1;SYMBOL=GMDS;SYMBOL_SOURCE=HGNC;HGNC_ID=HGNC:4369

Impact Gene Location Consequence Change Details
HIGH GMDS chr6:1930220 stop_gained F→* Creates premature stop codon
Impact Gene Location Consequence Change Details
HIGH SERPINB1 chr6:2834013 splice_acceptor_variant C>G Affects splice site
MODERATE OR1E2 chr17:3433669 missense_variant P→H Position 58
MODERATE PLD2 chr17:4818362 inframe_deletion VDRILK→V 15bp deletion
LOW GEMIN4 chr17:745040 synonymous_variant L→L No amino acid change
MODIFIER DUSP22 chr6:325357 intron_variant G>A Within intron
Performance Trick

Can you run the same command as before adding --fork 2, do you note any difference?

vep -i ~/project/course_data/resources/Mutect2_data/somatic.filtered.PASS.vcf.gz \
--cache /data/.vep \
--species homo_sapiens \
--assembly GRCh38 \
--offline \
--format vcf \
--symbol \
--force_overwrite \
--everything \
--fork 2 \
--output_file chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated.txt

Now when we anaylize our output file chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated.txt in more details, there are about 160 lines and a lot of information on different transcripts that are related to the mutations found by Mutect2. Let’s say that now we would like to filter only the deleterious predictions and moderate/high impact variants. We can do that in a couple of ways:

filter_vep \
-i chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated.txt \
-o chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_filtered.txt \
--force_overwrite \
--filter "(IMPACT is HIGH or IMPACT is MODERATE) or (SIFT match deleterious or PolyPhen match probably_damaging)"

in this line --filter "(IMPACT is HIGH or IMPACT is MODERATE) or (SIFT match deleterious or PolyPhen match probably_damaging)" consider that there is a difference in saying or or and as the latter is much more stringent and it would look only for variants whose prediction is in agreement.

But what if we want more information on the cancer mutations, can we integrate other databases to VEP? Yes we can. This can be useful prior to filtering to find additional consensus on potential interesting targets.

Cancer-Specific Annotation

Objective: Add cancer-specific annotations using ClinVar and filter for potentially pathogenic variants.

Task: Enhance the previous analysis by:

  1. Adding ClinVar annotations
  2. Filtering for HIGH/MODERATE impact variants
  3. Creating a summary of mutation types

You can download from here

# Download latest ClinVar VCF
# Download ClinVar VCF

# Run VEP with cancer-specific annotations
vep -i ~/project/course_data/resources/Mutect2_data/somatic.filtered.PASS.vcf.gz \
    --cache /data/.vep \
    --assembly GRCh38 \
    --format vcf \
    --force_overwrite \
    --fork 2 \
    --everything \
    --custom ~/project/course_data/resources/clinvar/clinvar.vcf.gz,ClinVar,vcf,exact,0,CLNSIG,CLNREVSTAT,CLNDN \
    --output_file chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_with_clinVar.txt

# Filter results
filter_vep \
-i chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_with_clinVar.txt \
-o chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_with_clinVar_filtered.txt \
--force_overwrite \
--filter "(IMPACT is HIGH or IMPACT is MODERATE) or \
(SIFT match deleterious or PolyPhen match probably_damaging) or \
(ClinVar_CLNSIG match pathogenic)"

# Generate summary (using simple grep/awk commands)
echo "Mutation Type Summary:" > summary.txt
grep -v "#" chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_with_clinVar_filtered.txt | cut -f7 | sort | uniq -c >> summary.txt

The possible values for ClinVar_CLNSIG include:

  • Pathogenic - Strong evidence the variant causes disease
  • Likely_pathogenic - Evidence suggests it is probably disease-causing
  • Uncertain_significance (VUS) - Not enough evidence to classify either way
  • Likely_benign - Evidence suggests it is probably not disease-causing
  • Benign - Strong evidence the variant is not disease-causing
  • Conflicting_interpretations_of_pathogenicity - Different submitters disagree
  • Not_provided - No interpretation was provided
  • Drug_response - Affects response to medications
  • Other - Other interpretations

The clinvar data provided us with more information coming from curated databases, and for some variants we can have multiple levels of consensus (however this is not a garantee of pathogenicity), but there are many other additional databases that one can try. However not all the databases have the same licensing, therefore each of the integrated datasets should be checked. For example COSMIC databases can be accessed only after registration, onkoKB as well.
Please do not forget to cite the data that you use and it is important to keep note of the version used.

Advanced Topics

Using VEP Plugins

VEP’s functionality can be extended through plugins. Here are some essential plugins for cancer analysis:

  1. REVEL: Rare Exome Variant Ensemble Learner

REVEL paper: An Ensemble Method for Predicting the Pathogenicity of Rare Missense Variants


You can download here the data (~6.5GB): or

cat revel_with_transcript_ids | tr "," "\t" > tabbed_revel.tsv
sed '1s/.*/#&/' tabbed_revel.tsv > new_tabbed_revel.tsv
bgzip new_tabbed_revel.tsv

Prepare for GRCh38

zcat new_tabbed_revel.tsv.gz | head -n1 > h
zgrep -h -v ^#chr new_tabbed_revel.tsv.gz | awk '$3 != "." ' | sort -k1,1 -k3,3n - | cat h - | bgzip -c > new_tabbed_revel_grch38.tsv.gz
tabix -f -s 1 -b 3 -e 3 new_tabbed_revel_grch38.tsv.gz


--plugin REVEL,file=/path/to/revel/data.tsv.gz
  1. AlphaMissense: Deep learning-based predictor

AlphaMissense’s Paper: Accurate proteome-wide missense variant effect prediction with AlphaMissense


Download link

Prepare for GRCh38

tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 -f -S 1 AlphaMissense_hg38.tsv.gz

Run it with VEP

--plugin AlphaMissense,file=/full/path/to/file.tsv.gz

We have seen how to run VEP and how to filter the output. Now we can make another call on the Mutect2 output to annotate the variants using a combination of some plugins and some custom databases.

Damage prediction tools
  • REVEL: An ensemble method that integrates multiple prediction tools
  • AlphaMissense: Uses deep learning trained on evolutionary data

Complex VEP run

Complex VEP run

Objective: Learn how to comprehensively annotate cancer variants using VEP’s advanced features, plugins, and filtering capabilities to identify potentially pathogenic variants.

Task: Enhance the previous analysis by:

  1. Adding ClinVar annotations
  2. Adding REVEL annotations
  3. Adding population frequencies --af_gnomade (gnomAD data is included in VEP cache)
  4. Adding plugins (--plugin SpliceRegion, --plugin AlphaMissense, --plugin REVEL)
  5. Filtering for HIGH/MODERATE impact variants
vep -i ~/project/course_data/resources/Mutect2_data/somatic.filtered.PASS.vcf.gz \
    --cache /data/.vep \
    --assembly GRCh38 \
    --format vcf \
    --fork 2 \
    --everything \
    --af_gnomade \
    --force_overwrite \
    --plugin SpliceRegion \
    --plugin REVEL,file=/config/project/course_data/resources/revel/new_tabbed_revel_grch38.tsv.gz \
    --plugin AlphaMissense,file=/config/project/course_data/resources/alphamissense/AlphaMissense_hg38.tsv.gz \
    --custom /config/project/course_data/resources/clinvar/clinvar.vcf.gz,ClinVar,vcf,exact,0,CLNSIG,CLNREVSTAT,CLNDN \
    --output_file chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_with_clinVar_and_plugins.txt
# Filter the data -> Stringent
filter_vep \
-i chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_with_clinVar_and_plugins.txt \
-o stringent_filtered.txt \
--force_overwrite \
--filter "(IMPACT is HIGH or IMPACT is MODERATE) and \
       (REVEL >= 0.75 or \
        am_class = 'likely_pathogenic' or \
        SIFT = 'deleterious' and PolyPhen = 'probably_damaging')"
# Filter the data -> Moderate
filter_vep \
-i chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_with_clinVar_and_plugins.txt \
-o moderate_filtered.txt \
--force_overwrite \
--filter "(IMPACT is HIGH or IMPACT is MODERATE) and \
         (REVEL >= 0.5 or \
          am_class = 'likely_pathogenic' or \
          SIFT = 'deleterious' or \
          PolyPhen = 'probably_damaging')"

A glimpse on the results

Variant Details

chr6_10801908_C/G   chr6:10801908   G   ENSG00000111837 ENST00000313243 Transcript  missense_variant    1198    815 272 R/P cGa/cCa COSV57568710    IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=-1;VARIANT_CLASS=SNV;SYMBOL=MAK;SYMBOL_SOURCE=HGNC;HGNC_ID=HGNC:6816;BIOTYPE=protein_coding;TSL=5;APPRIS=A1;CCDS=CCDS4516.1;ENSP=ENSP00000313021;SWISSPROT=P20794.202;TREMBL=A0A140VK28.35;UNIPARC=UPI0000001BCD;UNIPROT_ISOFORM=P20794-1;GENE_PHENO=1;SIFT=deleterious(0);PolyPhen=probably_damaging(1);EXON=8/14;DOMAINS=Gene3D:1.10.510.10,AFDB-ENSP_mappings:AF-P20794-F1,Pfam:PF00069,PROSITE_profiles:PS50011,PANTHER:PTHR24055,SMART:SM00220,Superfamily:SSF56112,CDD:cd07830;HGVSc=ENST00000313243.6:c.815G>C;HGVSp=ENSP00000313021.2:p.Arg272Pro;SOMATIC=1;PHENO=1;REVEL=0.884;am_class=likely_pathogenic;am_pathogenicity=0.9946
chr6_10801908_C/G   chr6:10801908   G   ENSG00000111837 ENST00000354489 Transcript  missense_variant    1081    815 272 R/P cGa/cCa COSV57568710    IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=-1;VARIANT_CLASS=SNV;SYMBOL=MAK;SYMBOL_SOURCE=HGNC;HGNC_ID=HGNC:6816;BIOTYPE=protein_coding;CANONICAL=YES;MANE=MANE_Select;MANE_SELECT=NM_001242957.3;TSL=5;APPRIS=P4;CCDS=CCDS75399.1;ENSP=ENSP00000346484;SWISSPROT=P20794.202;UNIPARC=UPI000217CBBA;UNIPROT_ISOFORM=P20794-2;GENE_PHENO=1;SIFT=deleterious(0);PolyPhen=probably_damaging(0.999);EXON=8/15;DOMAINS=Gene3D:1.10.510.10,AFDB-ENSP_mappings:AF-P20794-F1,Pfam:PF00069,PROSITE_profiles:PS50011,PANTHER:PTHR24055,SMART:SM00220,Superfamily:SSF56112,CDD:cd07830;HGVSc=ENST00000354489.7:c.815G>C;HGVSp=ENSP00000346484.3:p.Arg272Pro;SOMATIC=1;PHENO=1;REVEL=0.884;am_class=likely_pathogenic;am_pathogenicity=0.9946
Category Information Description
Basic Information
Genomic Location chr6:10801908 GRCh38 coordinates
Variant Type SNV (C>G) Single nucleotide variant
Gene MAK Male Germ Cell-Associated Kinase
Impact MODERATE VEP impact classification

Transcript Effects

Transcript 1 (ENST00000313243)

Feature Value Note
Consequence missense_variant Changes amino acid
Protein Change p.Arg272Pro Arginine to Proline
Transcript Support TSL=5, APPRIS=A1 Low transcript support level
SIFT deleterious(0) Maximum deleteriousness score
PolyPhen probably_damaging(1) Maximum damaging score
Affected Domain PF00069 (Protein kinase domain) Functional domain impact

Transcript 2 (ENST00000354489)

Feature Value Note
Consequence missense_variant Changes amino acid
Protein Change p.Arg272Pro Arginine to Proline
Transcript Status CANONICAL, MANE_Select Principal transcript
SIFT deleterious(0) Maximum deleteriousness score
PolyPhen probably_damaging(0.999) Near maximum damaging score
Affected Domain PF00069 (Protein kinase domain) Functional domain impact

Prediction Tools

  • REVEL score: 0.884 (>0.5 considered possibly pathogenic)
  • AlphaMissense:
    • Class: likely_pathogenic
    • Pathogenicity score: 0.9946 (very high confidence)
  • SpliceRegion: No splice site effects detected
  • ClinVar: No clinical data found in ClinVar database
  • SIF: SIFT=deleterious(0)
  • PolyPhen: PolyPhe=probably_damaging(1)

Additional Annotations

Feature Value Description
COSMIC ID COSV57568710 Catalogued in COSMIC database
Somatic Status SOMATIC=1 Confirmed somatic variant
Phenotype PHENO=1 Associated with phenotype
UniProt P20794.202 Protein database reference

At this point we obtained a good annotated set of somatic variants. This paves the way for further analysis. For example you can add more databases to your annotation call, such as COSMIC, cancerhotspots, onkoKB etc. You can also try other plugins, depending on your biological question(s). Those can add addtional data ond possibly additional filtering options.

  • Add other databases
  • Try additional plugins
  • Find interesting genes that could be drivers in your samples
  • Consider population frequency of the mutation(s) (common variants are less likely to be pathogenic)
  • Consider possible drug-gene interactions
  • Check in the literature
  • Visualize the results

Annotating CNVkit output

The CNVkit is a software that is specifically tailered to call CNV (Copy number Variants) from WES data. It does that by using metrics based on proper targets and off-targets reads in WES data. CNVkit is a python-based tool, that by default outputs *.call.cns and *.cnr.

In case you want to transform from .cns to .vcf
  1. Let’s convert the *.cns (segmentation file) into a VCF file. ~5min
# Extract the CNVkit annotation data
tar -xvzf ~/project/course_data/resources/CNVkit_data/cnvkit.tar.gz

# Move the files to the resources folder
mv ~/project/cnvkit/* ~/project/course_data/resources/CNVkit_data/.

# Convert from call.cns to vcf export vcf ~/project/course_data/resources/CNVkit_data/ -o
  1. We can gzip the output
# bgzip the file
  1. Now let’s index the file
# Index
tabix -p vcf

Now we have a nice VCF file and in the right format to call VEP

Call VEP on CNVkit’s VCF

Objective: Perform comprehensive annotation of CNVkit’s output VCF file using Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP).

Task: Consider that those are not small regions:

  1. Adding ClinVar annotations
  2. Adding REVEL annotations
  3. Using --max_sv_size 100000000 to increase the region size of annotation
  4. Using --regulatory as it could be interesting
  5. Adding population frequencies --af_gnomade (gnomAD data is included in VEP cache)
  6. Adding plugins (--plugin SpliceRegion, --plugin AlphaMissense, --plugin REVEL)
  7. Filtering for HIGH/MODERATE impact variants

Option: Consider that VEP will add annotation for each of the transcripts that is overlapping the CNV regions. Therefore the file might be very comprehensive, you can simplify with --per_gene, --pick_allele_gene or --pick. However this can also be excluding interesting data. Moreover for the call you can substitute in the custom clinvar annotation exact with overlap.

VEP version matter We are using VEP v.113.

# Call VEP with full calls ~5min (overlap)
vep -i \
    --cache /data/.vep \
    --assembly GRCh38 \
    --format vcf \
    --fork 2 \
    --max_sv_size 100000000 \
    --everything \
    --regulatory \
    --af_gnomade \
    --force_overwrite \
    --plugin SpliceRegion \
    --plugin REVEL,file=/config/project/course_data/resources/revel/new_tabbed_revel_grch38.tsv.gz \
    --plugin AlphaMissense,file=/config/project/course_data/resources/alphamissense/AlphaMissense_hg38.tsv.gz \
    --custom /config/project/course_data/resources/clinvar/clinvar.vcf.gz,ClinVar,vcf,overlap,0,CLNSIG,CLNREVSTAT,CLNDN \

# Call VEP with per gene only annotation (overlap)
vep -i \
    --cache /data/.vep \
    --assembly GRCh38 \
    --format vcf \
    --fork 2 \
    --max_sv_size 100000000 \
    --everything \
    --regulatory \
    --af_gnomade \
    --per_gene \
    --force_overwrite \
    --plugin SpliceRegion \
    --plugin REVEL,file=/config/project/course_data/resources/revel/new_tabbed_revel_grch38.tsv.gz \
    --plugin AlphaMissense,file=/config/project/course_data/resources/alphamissense/AlphaMissense_hg38.tsv.gz \
    --custom /config/project/course_data/resources/clinvar/clinvar.vcf.gz,ClinVar,vcf,overlap,0,CLNSIG,CLNREVSTAT,CLNDN \
# Call VEP with per gene only annotation (exact)
vep -i \
    --cache /data/.vep \
    --assembly GRCh38 \
    --format vcf \
    --fork 2 \
    --max_sv_size 100000000 \
    --everything \
    --regulatory \
    --af_gnomade \
    --per_gene \
    --force_overwrite \
    --plugin SpliceRegion \
    --plugin REVEL,file=/config/project/course_data/resources/revel/new_tabbed_revel_grch38.tsv.gz \
    --plugin AlphaMissense,file=/config/project/course_data/resources/alphamissense/AlphaMissense_hg38.tsv.gz \
    --custom /config/project/course_data/resources/clinvar/clinvar.vcf.gz,ClinVar,vcf,exact,0,CLNSIG,CLNREVSTAT,CLNDN \
# Filter the data
filter_vep \
-i \
-o \
--force_overwrite \
--filter "(IMPACT is HIGH or IMPACT is MODERATE) and \
       (REVEL >= 0.75 or \
        am_class = 'likely_pathogenic' or \
        SIFT = 'deleterious' and PolyPhen = 'probably_damaging')"

You can also simplify the output with vep filter

filter_vep \
-i \
-o \
--filter "SYMBOL exists" \

We get for example a duplication of RANBP9 that is annotated having HIGH impact and it is part of the MAME selection (matched between NCBI and Esembl)

#Uploaded_variation Location    Allele  Gene    Feature Feature_type    Consequence cDNA_position   CDS_position    Protein_position    Amino_acids Codons  Existing_variation  Extra
chr6_123855_<DUP>   chr6:123855-28994479    duplication ENSG00000010017 ENST00000011619 Transcript  transcript_amplification    -   -   -   -   -   -   IMPACT=HIGH;STRAND=-1;VARIANT_CLASS=duplication;SYMBOL=RANBP9;SYMBOL_SOURCE=HGNC;HGNC_ID=HGNC:13727;BIOTYPE=protein_coding;CANONICAL=YES;MANE=MANE_Select;MANE_SELECT=NM_005493.3;TSL=1;APPRIS=P1;CCDS=CCDS4529.1;ENSP=ENSP00000011619;SWISSPROT=Q96S59.191;UNIPARC=UPI000006ED83;UNIPROT_ISOFORM=Q96S59-1;OverlapBP=90338;OverlapPC=100.00

For CNV annotation we get no data from the plugins and some limited data for clinvar. This is happening because those tools add on SNV and not on CNVs (but in clinvar if you change exact to overalp you will see all the transcripts that are overalapping that region).

From the previous exercise, you might have noticed that annotating CNVs is more challenging than annotating SNVs. This is because:

  • CNV breakpoints can be imprecise and variable
  • The same CNV event might be reported with slightly different coordinates in different databases
  • The functional impact of CNVs can be complex, affecting multiple genes and regulatory elements
  • Tools like REVEL and AlphaMissense are specifically designed for SNVs and cannot be applied to CNVs

One could use more specific data such as the COSMIC, that also contain data on CNVs. Or try DECIPHER (DatabasE of genomiC varIation and Phenotype in Humans using Ensembl Resources) database

Additional useful options in VEP

There are many other options available in VEP, and the documentation is very compherensive. Some common options are --filter_common (filters out variants with a minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥ 0.01 (1%)) in any of the populations within these databases) and --total_length (VEP sums up the lengths of all overlapping features, useful for structural variants (SV) annotation). --coding_only can reduce the amount of data to only the coding parts. --check_existing annotates variants with information from existing databases.
In addition there is a web interface to VEP from the ENSEMBL team here

Let’s visualize some of the data from our somatic call annotation!

At first we should load one of the vep annotated files from one of the exercises. I am loading the annotation from exercise 3, chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_with_clinVar.txt from the exercise Cancer-Specific Annotation.

Feel free to load another one.

# get libraries

# VEP output in
vep_data <- read.table("chr6ch17_mutect2_annotated_with_clinVar.txt", 

# The standard VEP column names are:
colNames <- c("#Uploaded_variation", "Location", "Allele", "Gene", "Feature", "Feature_type",
"Consequence", "cDNA_position", "CDS_position", "Protein_position", "Amino_acids",
"Codons", "Existing_variation", "Extra")

# Set column names
colnames(vep_data) <- colNames

# Split when it contains multiple values
consequences_df <- vep_data %>%
  separate_rows(Consequence, sep="&") %>%

# get chr
vep_data <- vep_data %>%
  separate(Location, into = c("chr", "position"), sep=":") %>% 
  mutate(chr = factor(chr, levels = c("chr6", "chr17")))

# Extract IMPACT from Extra column
vep_data$IMPACT <- gsub(".*IMPACT=([^;]+).*", "\\1", vep_data$Extra)

# get nice data out of the df
extract_field <- function(data, field) {
  gsub(paste0(".*", field, "=([^;]+).*"), "\\1", data$Extra)

# combine multiple fields
vep_data <- vep_data %>%
    IMPACT = extract_field(., "IMPACT"),
    SYMBOL = extract_field(., "SYMBOL"),
    VARIANT_CLASS = extract_field(., "VARIANT_CLASS"),
    BIOTYPE = extract_field(., "BIOTYPE")
Visualize the data from VEP

Objective: Learn how to quickly visualize your variants.

Task: Visualize:

  1. Consequence plot, to visualize the distribution of consequences?
  2. Consequence plot, by chromosome?
  3. Can we see the consequence colored by impact?
  4. Can we see the consequence colored by impact by chromosome?
  5. What are the most common variant classes?
  6. What are the most common biotypes?
  7. Bonus: ClinVar, SIFT, ans PolyPhen
# consequence plot
ggplot(vep_data, aes(x=reorder(Consequence, table(Consequence)[Consequence]))) +
  geom_bar() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title="Distribution of \n Variant Consequences",
       x="Consequence Type",

# consequence plot 
ggplot(vep_data, aes(x=reorder(Consequence, table(Consequence)[Consequence]))) +
  geom_bar() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title="Distribution of \n Variant Consequences",
       x="Consequence Type",
       y="Count") +
  facet_grid(~chr) +
    legend.position = "bottom"

# Impact + Consequence plot
ggplot(vep_data, aes(x=reorder(Consequence, table(Consequence)[Consequence]), fill=IMPACT)) +
  geom_bar() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
  labs(title="Variant Consequences \n by Impact",
       x="Consequence Type",
       y="Count") +
    legend.position = "bottom"

# Impact + consequence plot x chr
ggplot(vep_data, aes(x=reorder(Consequence, table(Consequence)[Consequence]), fill=IMPACT)) +
  geom_bar() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
  labs(title="Variant Consequences \n by Impact",
       x="Consequence Type",
       y="Count") +
  facet_grid(~chr) +
    legend.position = "bottom"

# variant class plot
vep_data %>%
  count(VARIANT_CLASS) %>%  # Count the classees
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%  # Sort in descending ord
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(VARIANT_CLASS, n), y = n)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "steelblue") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title = "Distribution of \n Variant Classes",
       x = "Variant Class",
       y = "Count")

# biotype distribution
ggplot(vep_data, aes(x=reorder(BIOTYPE, table(BIOTYPE)[BIOTYPE]))) +
  geom_bar(fill="steelblue") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title="Distribution of \n Biotypes",

# Extract SIFT
vep_data$sift <- str_extract(vep_data$Extra, "SIFT=.*?;")
vep_data$sift <- str_replace(vep_data$sift, "SIFT=", "") 
vep_data$sift <- str_replace(vep_data$sift, ";", "")
vep_data$sift <- str_replace(vep_data$sift, "\\(.*\\)", "")

# Extract PolyPhen 
vep_data$polyphen <- vep_data$Extra %>%
  str_extract("PolyPhen=.*?;") %>%
  str_replace("PolyPhen=", "") %>%
  str_replace(";", "") %>%
  str_replace("\\(.*\\)", "")

# Extract ClinVar
vep_data$clinvar <- vep_data$Extra %>%
  str_extract("CLIN_SIG=.*?;") %>%
  str_replace("CLIN_SIG=", "") %>%
  str_replace(";", "")

# Distribution of SIFT predictions
ggplot(subset(vep_data, !, 
       aes(x = reorder(sift, table(sift)[sift]))) +
  geom_bar(fill = "steelblue") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title = "Distribution of SIFT Predictions",
       x = "SIFT Prediction",
       y = "Count",
       caption = "Only missense variants are scored by SIFT")

# Distribution of PolyPhen predictions 
ggplot(subset(vep_data, !, 
       aes(x = reorder(polyphen, table(polyphen)[polyphen]))) +
  geom_bar(fill = "darkred") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title = "Distribution of PolyPhen Predictions",
       x = "PolyPhen Prediction",
       y = "Count",
       caption = "Only missense variants are scored by PolyPhen")

Combined SIFT and PolyPhen predictions with Impact

# Only for variants with both predictions
p3 <- subset(vep_data, ! & ! %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = sift, fill = IMPACT)) +
  geom_bar() +
  facet_wrap(~polyphen) +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
  labs(title = "SIFT and PolyPhen Predictions by Impact",
       x = "SIFT Prediction",
       y = "Count") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

# 4. ClinVar significance with impact 
p4 <- subset(vep_data, ! %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(clinvar, table(clinvar)[clinvar]), fill = IMPACT)) +
  geom_bar() +
  coord_flip() +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title = "Clinical Significance by Impact",
       x = "ClinVar Clinical Significance",
       y = "Count") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

# 5. For missense variants only - comparison of predictions
p5 <- subset(vep_data, Consequence == "missense_variant" & ! & ! %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = sift, fill = polyphen)) +
  geom_bar(position = "dodge") +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set2") +
  labs(title = "SIFT vs PolyPhen Predictions\nfor Missense Variants",
       x = "SIFT Prediction",
       y = "Count",
       fill = "PolyPhen Prediction") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))





VEP Performance Optimization

For large-scale analyses, consider these optimization strategies:

  1. Using Cache:
--dir_cache /path/to/cache
  1. Parallel Processing:
--fork 4
  1. Minimal Output:
--fields "Consequence,IMPACT,SYMBOL,Feature"

Tips for Cancer Variant Analysis

  1. Quality Control
    • Filter low-quality variants before VEP annotation
    • Use matched normal samples when available (if not consider PONs)
    • Consider sequencing artifacts
  2. Annotation Strategy
    • Use multiple prediction algorithms
    • Consider tissue-specific expression
    • Include population frequencies
    • Add clinical annotations
  3. Interpretation Guidelines
    • Use cancer-specific frameworks for somatic variants
    • Document all filtering criteria
    • Maintain version control of annotation sources


Download data to COSMIC

  • For COSMIC: We cannot provide those files (they require licensing), you need to register and download the files. CosmicMutantExport.tsv.gz You can register here:

Tools and Documentation

Remember to:

  1. Always verify file paths and permissions
  2. Check input data format and quality
  3. Validate output at each step
  4. Consider computational resources when processing large datasets
  5. Document any modifications to the pipeline


  1. McLaren W, et al. The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor. Genome Biology (2016)
  2. Eilbeck K, et al. The Sequence Ontology: a tool for the unification of genome annotations. Genome Biology (2005)
  3. Richards S, et al. Standards and guidelines for the interpretation of sequence variants. Genetics in Medicine (2015)