Running containers with apptainer
Learning outcomes
After having completed this chapter you will be able to:
- Login to a remote machine with
- Use
apptainer pull
to convert an image from dockerhub to the ‘apptainer image format’ (.sif
) - Execute a apptainer container
- Explain the difference in default mounting behaviour between
- Use
apptainer shell
to generate an interactive shell inside a.sif
image - Search and use images with both
from bioconda
- Apptainer documentation
- Apptainer hub
- An article on Docker vs Apptainer
- Using conda and containers with snakemake
Login to remote
If you are enrolled in the course, you have received an e-mail with an IP, username, private key and password. To do the Apptainer exercises we will login to a remote server. Below you can find instructions on how to login.
VScode is a code editor that can be used to edit files and run commands locally, but also on a remote server. In this subchapter we will set up VScode to work remotely.
If not working with VScode
If you are not working with VScode, you can login to the remote server with the following command:
ssh -i key_username.pem
If you want to edit files directly on the server, you can mount a directory with sshfs
Required installations
For this exercise it is easiest if you use VScode. In addition you would need to have followed the instructions to set up remote-ssh:
- OpenSSH compatible client. This is usually pre-installed on your OS. You can check whether the command
exists. - The Remote-SSH extension. To install, open VSCode and click on the extensions icon (four squares) on the left side of the window. Search for
and click onInstall
Open a PowerShell and cd
to the directory where you have stored your private key. After that, move it to ~\.ssh
mv .\key_username.pem ~\.ssh
Open a terminal, and cd
to the directory where you have stored your private key. After that, change the file permissions of the key and move it to ~/.ssh
chmod 400 key_username.pem
mv key_username.pem ~/.ssh
Open VScode and click on the green or blue button in the bottom left corner. Select Connect to Host...
, and then on Configure SSH Host...
. Specify a the location for the config file. Use the same directory as where your keys are stored (so ~/.ssh
). A skeleton config file will be provided. Edit it, so it looks like this (replace username
with your username, and specify the correct IP at HostName
Host sib_course_remote
User username
HostName 123.456.789.123
IdentityFile ~\.ssh\key_username.pem
Host sib_course_remote
User username
HostName 123.456.789.123
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key_username.pem
Save and close the config file. Now click again the green or blue button in the bottom left corner. Select Connect to Host...
, and then on sib_course_remote
. You will be asked which operating system is used on the remote. Specify ‘Linux’.
At first login, initiate conda (for tomorrow):
/opt/miniconda3/bin/conda init
Close this terminal and open a new one, and you are good to go!
Pulling an image
Apptainer can take several image formats (e.g. a docker
image), and convert them into it’s own .sif
format. Unlike docker
this image doesn’t live in a local image cache, but it’s stored as an actual file.
Exercise: On the remote server, pull the docker image that has the adjusted default CMD
that we have pushed to dockerhub in this exercise (ubuntu-figlet-df:v3
) with apptainer pull
. The syntax is:
apptainer pull docker://[USER NAME]/[IMAGE NAME]:[TAG]
apptainer pull docker://[USER NAME]/ubuntu-figlet:v3
If you weren’t able to push the image in the previous exercises to your docker hub, you can use geertvangeest
as username to pull the image.
Executing an image
These .sif
files can be run as standalone executables:
This is shorthand for:
apptainer run ubuntu-figlet_v3.sif
And you can overwrite the default command like this:
apptainer run [IMAGE NAME].sif [COMMAND]
In this case, you can also use
However, most applications require apptainer run
. Especially if you want to provide options like --bind
(for mounting directories).
Exercise: Run the .sif
file without a command, and with a command that runs figlet
. Do you get expected output? Do the same for the R image you’ve created in the previous chapter.
Entrypoint and apptainer
The daterange
image has an entrypoint set, and apptainer run
does not overwrite it. In order to ignore both the entrypoint and cmd use apptainer exec
Running it without a command (./ubuntu-figlet_v3.sif
) should give:
__ __ _ _ _
| \/ |_ _ (_)_ __ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ __ _____ _ __| | _____| |
| |\/| | | | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / __| |
| | | | |_| | | | | | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ \ V V / (_) | | | <\__ \_|
|_| |_|\__, | |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_\___(_)
|___/ |___/
Running with a another figlet
./ubuntu-figlet_v3.sif figlet 'Something else'
Should give:
____ _ _ _ _
/ ___| ___ _ __ ___ ___| |_| |__ (_)_ __ __ _ ___| |___ ___
\___ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ / __|/ _ \
___) | (_) | | | | | | __/ |_| | | | | | | | (_| | | __/ \__ \ __/
|____/ \___/|_| |_| |_|\___|\__|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | \___|_|___/\___|
Pulling the deseq2
apptainer pull docker://[USER NAME]/deseq2:v1
Running it without command:
Running with a command:
./deseq2.sif --rows 100
To overwrite both entrypoint and the command:
apptainer exec deseq2.sif test_deseq2.R --rows 200
Mounting with Apptainer
Apptainer is also different from Docker in the way it handles mounting. By default, Apptainer binds your home directory and a number of paths in the root directory to the container. This results in behaviour that is almost like if you are working on the directory structure of the host.
If your directory is not mounted by default
It depends on the apptainer settings whether most directories are mounted by default to the container. If your directory is not mounted, you can do that with the --bind
option of apptainer exec
apptainer exec --bind /my/dir/to/mount/ [IMAGE NAME].sif [COMMAND]
Running the command pwd
(full name of current working directory) will therefore result in a path on the host machine:
./ubuntu-figlet_v3.sif pwd
Exercise: Run the above command. What is the output? How would the output look like if you would run a similar command with Docker?
A similar Docker command would look like (run this on your local computer):
docker run --rm ubuntu-figlet:v3 pwd
The output of ./ubuntu-figlet_v3.sif pwd
is the current directory on the host: i.e. /home/username
if you have it in your home directory. The output of docker run --rm ubuntu-figlet:v3 pwd
(on the local host) would be /
, which is the default workdir (root directory) of the container. As we did not mount any host directory, this directory exists only within the container (i.e. separated from the host).
Interactive shell
If you want to debug or inspect an image, it can be helpful to have a shell inside the container. You can do that with apptainer shell
apptainer shell ubuntu-figlet_v3.sif
To exit the shell type exit
Exercise: Can you run figlet
inside this shell?
Apptainer> figlet test
_ _
| |_ ___ ___| |_
| __/ _ \/ __| __|
| || __/\__ \ |_
During the lecture you have learned that apptainer takes over the user privileges of the user on the host. You can get user information with command like whoami
, id
, groups
Exercise: Run the figlet
container interactively. Do you have the same user privileges as if you were on the host? How is that with docker
A command like whoami
will result in your username printed at stdout:
Apptainer> whoami
Apptainer> id
uid=1030(myusername) gid=1031(myusername) groups=1031(myusername),1001(condausers)
Apptainer> groups
myusername condausers
With apptainer, you have the same privileges inside the apptainer container as on the host. If you do this in the docker container (based on the same image), you’ll get output like this:
root@a3d6e59dc19d:/# whoami
root@a3d6e59dc19d:/# groups
root@a3d6e59dc19d:/# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
A bioinformatics example (extra)
All bioconda packages also have a pre-built container. Have a look at the bioconda website, and search for fastqc
. In the search results, click on the appropriate record (i.e. package ‘fastqc’). Now, scroll down and find the namespace and tag for the latest fastqc image. Now we can pull it with apptainer like this:
apptainer pull docker://
Let’s test the image. Download some sample reads first:
mkdir reads
cd reads
tar -xzvf ecoli_reads.tar.gz
rm ecoli_reads.tar.gz
Now you can simply run the image as an executable preceding the commands you would like to run within the container. E.g. running fastqc
would look like:
./fastqc_0.11.9--hdfd78af_1.sif fastqc ./reads/ecoli_*.fastq.gz
This will result in html
files in the directory ./reads
. These are quality reports for the sequence reads. If you’d like to view them, you can download them with scp
or e.g. FileZilla, and view them with your local browser.