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Working with dockerfiles

Learning outcomes

After having completed this chapter you will be able to:

  • Build an image based on a dockerfile
  • Use the basic dockerfile syntax
  • Change the default command of an image and validate the change
  • Map ports to a container to display interactive content through a browser



To make your images shareable and adjustable, it’s good practice to work with a Dockerfile. This is a script with a set of instructions to build your image from an existing image.

Basic Dockerfile

You can generate an image from a Dockerfile using the command docker build. A Dockerfile has its own syntax for giving instructions. Luckily, they are rather simple. The script always contains a line starting with FROM that takes the image name from which the new image will be built. After that you usually want to run some commands to e.g. configure and/or install software. The instruction to run these commands during building starts with RUN. In our figlet example that would be:

FROM ubuntu:jammy-20230308
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install figlet

On writing reproducible Dockerfiles

At the FROM statement in the above Dockerfile you see that we have added a specific tag to the image (i.e. jammy-20230308). We could also have written:

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install figlet

This will automatically pull the image with the tag latest. However, if the maintainer of the ubuntu images decides to tag another ubuntu version as latest, rebuilding with the above Dockerfile will not give you the same result. Therefore it’s always good practice to add the (stable) tag to the image in a Dockerfile. More rules on making your Dockerfiles more reproducible here.

Exercise: Create a file on your computer called Dockerfile, and paste the above instruction lines in that file. Make the directory containing the Dockerfile your current directory. Build a new image based on that Dockerfile with:

docker build .
docker build --platform amd64 .

If using an Apple M1 chip (newer Macs)

If you are using a computer with an Apple M1 chip, you have the less common ARM system architecture, which can limit transferability of images to (more common) x86_64/AMD64 machines. When building images on a Mac with an M1 chip (especially if you have sharing in mind), it’s best to specify the --platform amd64 flag.

The argument of docker build

The command docker build takes a directory as input (providing . means the current directory). This directory should contain the Dockerfile, but it can also contain more of the build context, e.g. (python, R, shell) scripts that are required to build the image.

What has happened? What is the name of the build image?


A new image was created based on the Dockerfile. You can check it with: docker image ls, which gives something like:

REPOSITORY                        TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED             SIZE
<none>                            <none>    92c980b09aad   7 seconds ago       101MB
ubuntu-figlet                     latest    e08b999c7978   About an hour ago   101MB
ubuntu                            latest    f63181f19b2f   30 hours ago        72.9MB

It has created an image without a name or tag. That’s a bit inconvenient.

Exercise: Build a new image with a specific name. You can do that with adding the option -t to docker build. Before that, remove the nameless image.


An image without a name is usually a “dangling image”. You can remove those with docker image prune.


Remove the nameless image with docker image prune.

After that, rebuild an image with a name:

docker build -t ubuntu-figlet:v2 .
docker build --platform amd64 -t ubuntu-figlet:v2 .

Using CMD

As you might remember the second positional argument of docker run is a command (i.e. docker run IMAGE [CMD]). If you leave it empty, it uses the default command. You can change the default command in the Dockerfile with an instruction starting with CMD. For example:

FROM ubuntu:jammy-20230308
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install figlet
CMD figlet My image works!

Exercise: Build a new image based on the above Dockerfile. Can you validate the change using docker image inspect? Can you overwrite this default with docker run?


Copy the new line to your Dockerfile, and build the new image like this:

docker build -t ubuntu-figlet:v3 .
docker build --platform amd64 -t ubuntu-figlet:v3 .

The command docker inspect ubuntu-figlet:v3 will give:

"Cmd": [
    "figlet My image works!"

So the default command (/bin/bash) has changed to figlet My image works!

Running the image (with clean-up (--rm)):

docker run --rm ubuntu-figlet:v3

Will result in:

__  __         _                                                 _        _
|  \/  |_   _  (_)_ __ ___   __ _  __ _  ___  __      _____  _ __| | _____| |
| |\/| | | | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / __| |
| |  | | |_| | | | | | | | | (_| | (_| |  __/  \ V  V / (_) | |  |   <\__ \_|
|_|  |_|\__, | |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|   \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\___(_)
       |___/                     |___/

And of course you can overwrite the default command:

docker run --rm ubuntu-figlet:v3 figlet another text

Resulting in:

_   _                 _            _
__ _ _ __   ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __  | |_ _____  _| |_
/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| | __/ _ \ \/ / __|
| (_| | | | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |    | ||  __/>  <| |_
\__,_|_| |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|     \__\___/_/\_\\__|

Two flavours of CMD

You have seen in the output of docker inspect that docker translates the command (i.e. figlet "my image works!") into this: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "figlet 'My image works!'"]. The notation we used in the Dockerfile is the shell notation while the notation with the square brackets ([]) is the exec-notation. You can use both notations in your Dockerfile. Altough the shell notation is more readable, the exec notation is directly used by the image, and therefore less ambiguous.

A Dockerfile with shell notation:

FROM ubuntu:jammy-20230308
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install figlet
CMD figlet My image works!

A Dockerfile with exec notation:

FROM ubuntu:jammy-20230308
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install figlet
CMD ["/bin/sh", "-c", "figlet My image works!"]

Exercise: Now push our created image (with a version tag) to docker hub. We will use it later for the apptainer exercises.

docker tag ubuntu-figlet:v3 [USER NAME]/ubuntu-figlet:v3
docker push [USER NAME]/ubuntu-figlet:v3

Build an image for your own script

Often containers are built for a specific purpose. For example, you can use a container to ship all dependencies together with your developed set of scripts/programs. For that you will need to add your scripts to the container. That is quite easily done with the instruction COPY. However, in order to make your container more user-friendly, there are several additional instructions that can come in useful. We will treat the most frequently used ones below. Depending on your preference, either choose R or Python below.

In the exercises will use a script called test_deseq2.R. This script will:

  • Load the DESeq2 and optparse packages
  • Load some additional packages to test their installations. We will use those packages later on in the course.
  • Create and parse an option called --rows with optparse
  • Create a dummy count matrix
  • Run DESeq2 on the dummy count matrix
  • Print the results to stdout

You can download it here, or copy-paste it:

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# load packages required for this script
write("Loading packages required for this script", stderr())

# load dependency packages for testing installations
write("Loading dependency packages for testing installations", stderr())

# parse options with optparse
option_list <- list(
        type = "integer",
        help = "Number of rows in dummy matrix [default = %default]",
        default = 100

opt_parser <- OptionParser(
    option_list = option_list,
    description = "Runs DESeq2 on dummy data"
opt <- parse_args(opt_parser)

# create a random dummy count matrix
cnts <- matrix(rnbinom(n = opt$row * 10, mu = 100, size = 1 / 0.5), ncol = 10)
cond <- factor(rep(1:2, each = 5))

# object construction
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(cnts, DataFrame(cond), ~cond)

# standard analysis
dds <- DESeq(dds)
res <- results(dds)

# print results to stdout

After you have downloaded it, make sure to set the permissions to executable:

chmod +x test_deseq2.R
It is a relatively simple script that runs DESeq2 on a dummy dataset. An example for execution would be:

./test_deseq2.R --rows 100

Here, --rows is a optional arguments that specifies the number of rows generated in the input count matrix. When running the script, it will return a bunch of messages and at the end an overview of differential gene expression analysis results:

     baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE         stat    pvalue      padj
    <numeric>      <numeric> <numeric>    <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
1     66.1249       0.281757  0.727668     0.387206  0.698604  0.989804
2     76.9682       0.305763  0.619209     0.493796  0.621451  0.989804
3     64.7843      -0.694525  0.479445    -1.448603  0.147448  0.931561
4    123.0252       0.631247  0.688564     0.916758  0.359269  0.931561
5     93.2002      -0.453430  0.686043    -0.660936  0.508653  0.941951
...       ...            ...       ...          ...       ...       ...
96    64.0177    0.757585137  0.682683  1.109718054  0.267121  0.931561
97   114.3689   -0.580010850  0.640313 -0.905823841  0.365029  0.931561
98    79.9620    0.000100617  0.612442  0.000164288  0.999869  0.999869
99    92.6614    0.563514308  0.716109  0.786910869  0.431334  0.939106
100   96.4410   -0.155268696  0.534400 -0.290547708  0.771397  0.989804

From the script you can see it has DESeq2 and optparse as dependencies. If we want to run the script inside a container, we would have to install them. We do this in the Dockerfile below. We give it the following instructions:

  • use the r2u base image version jammy
  • install the package DESeq2, optparse and some additional packages we will need later on. We perform the installations with install2.r, which is a helper command that is present inside most rocker images. More info here.
  • copy the script test_deseq2.R to /opt inside the container:
FROM rocker/r2u:jammy

RUN install2.r \
    DESeq2 \
    optparse \
    apeglm \
    IHW \
    limma \
    data.table \
    ggrepel \
    pheatmap \

COPY test_deseq2.R /opt 


In order to use COPY, the file that needs to be copied needs to be in the same directory as the Dockerfile or one of its subdirectories.

R image stack

The most used R image stack is from the rocker project. It contains many different base images (e.g. with shiny, Rstudio, tidyverse etc.). It depends on the type of image whether installations with apt-get or install2.r are possible. To understand more about how to install R packages in different containers, check it this cheat sheet, or visit

Exercise: Download the test_deseq2.R and build the image with docker build. Name the image deseq2. After that, start an interactive session and execute the script inside the container.


Make an interactive session with the options -i and -t and use /bin/bash as the command.


Build the container:

docker build -t deseq2 .
docker build --platform amd64 -t deseq2 .

Run the container:

docker run -it --rm deseq2 /bin/bash

Inside the container we look up the script:

cd /opt

This should return test_deseq2.R.

Now you can execute it from inside the container:

./test_deseq2.R --rows 100

That’s kind of nice. We can ship our R script inside our container. However, we don’t want to run it interactively every time. So let’s make some changes to make it easy to run it as an executable. For example, we can add /opt to the global $PATH variable with ENV.

The $PATH variable

The path variable is a special variable that consists of a list of path seperated by colons (:). These paths are searched if you are trying to run an executable. More info this topic at e.g. wikipedia.

FROM rocker/r2u:jammy

RUN install2.r \
    DESeq2 \
    optparse \
    apeglm \
    IHW \
    limma \
    data.table \
    ggrepel \
    pheatmap \

COPY test_deseq2.R /opt 



The ENV instruction can be used to set any variable.

Exercise: Rebuild the image and start an interactive bash session inside the new image. Is the path variable updated? (i.e. can we execute test_deseq2.R from anywhere?)


After re-building we start an interactive session:

docker run -it --rm deseq2 /bin/bash

The path is upated, /opt is appended to the beginning of the variable:

echo $PATH



Now you can try to execute it from the root directory (or any other):


Instead of starting an interactive session with /bin/bash we can now more easily run the script non-interactively:

docker run --rm deseq2 test_deseq2.R --rows 100

Now it will directly print the output of test_deseq2.R to stdout.

In the case you want to pack your script inside a container, you are building a container specifically for your script, meaning you almost want the container to behave as the program itself. In order to do that, you can use ENTRYPOINT. ENTRYPOINT is similar to CMD, but has two important differences:

  • ENTRYPOINT can not be overwritten by the positional arguments (i.e. docker run image [CMD]), but has to be overwritten by --entrypoint.
  • The positional arguments (or CMD) are pasted to the ENTRYPOINT command. This means that you can use ENTRYPOINT as the executable and the positional arguments (or CMD) as the options.

Let’s try it out:

FROM rocker/r2u:jammy

RUN install2.r \
    DESeq2 \
    optparse \
    apeglm \
    IHW \
    limma \
    data.table \
    ggrepel \
    pheatmap \

COPY test_deseq2.R /opt 


# note that if you want to be able to combine the two
# both ENTRYPOINT and CMD need to written in the exec form
ENTRYPOINT ["test_deseq2.R"]

# default option (if positional arguments are not specified)
CMD ["--rows", "100"]

Exercise: Re-build, and run the container non-interactively without any positional arguments. After that, try to pass a different number of rows to --rows. How do the commands look?


Just running the container non-interactively would be:

docker run --rm deseq2

Passing a different argument (i.e. overwriting CMD) would be:

docker run --rm deseq2 --rows 200

Here, the container behaves as the executable itself to which you can pass arguments.

Most containerized applications need multiple build steps. Often, you want to perform these steps and executions in a specific directory. Therefore, it can be in convenient to specify a working directory. You can do that with WORKDIR. This instruction will set the default directory for all other instructions (like RUN, COPY etc.). It will also change the directory in which you will land if you run the container interactively.

FROM rocker/r2u:jammy

RUN install2.r \
    DESeq2 \
    optparse \
    apeglm \
    IHW \
    limma \
    data.table \
    ggrepel \
    pheatmap \


COPY test_deseq2.R .


# note that if you want to be able to combine the two
# both ENTRYPOINT and CMD need to written in the exec form
ENTRYPOINT ["test_deseq2.R"]

# default option (if positional arguments are not specified)
CMD ["--rows", "100"]

Exercise: build the image, and start the container interactively. Has the default directory changed? After that, push the image to dockerhub, so we can use it later with the apptainer exercises.


You can overwrite ENTRYPOINT with --entrypoint as an argument to docker run.


Running the container interactively would be:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash deseq2

Which should result in a terminal looking something like this:


Meaning that indeed the default directory has changed to /opt

Pushing it to dockerhub:

docker tag deseq2 [USER NAME]/deseq2:v1
docker push [USER NAME]/deseq2:v1

Get information on your image with docker inspect

We have used docker inspect already in the previous chapter to find the default Cmd of the ubuntu image. However we can get more info on the image: e.g. the entrypoint, environmental variables, cmd, workingdir etc., you can use the Config record from the output of docker inspect. For our image this looks like:

"Config": {
    "Hostname": "",
    "Domainname": "",
    "User": "",
    "AttachStdin": false,
    "AttachStdout": false,
    "AttachStderr": false,
    "Tty": false,
    "OpenStdin": false,
    "StdinOnce": false,
    "Env": [
    "Cmd": [
    "ArgsEscaped": true,
    "Image": "",
    "Volumes": null,
    "WorkingDir": "/opt",
    "Entrypoint": [
    "OnBuild": null,
    "Labels": {
        "maintainer": "Dirk Eddelbuettel <>",
        "org.label-schema.license": "GPL-2.0",
        "org.label-schema.vcs-url": "",
        "org.label-schema.vendor": "Rocker Project"

Adding metadata to your image

You can annotate your Dockerfile and the image by using the instruction LABEL. You can give it any key and value with <key>=<value>. However, it is recommended to use the Open Container Initiative (OCI) keys.

Exercise: Annotate our Dockerfile with the OCI keys on the creation date, author and description. After that, check whether this has been passed to the actual image with docker inspect.


You can type LABEL for each key-value pair, but you can also have it on one line by seperating the key-value pairs by a space, e.g.:

LABEL keyx="valuex" keyy="valuey"

The Dockerfile would look like:

FROM rocker/r2u:jammy

LABEL org.opencontainers.image.created="2023-04-12" \
        org.opencontainers.image.authors="Geert van Geest" \
        org.opencontainers.image.description="Container with DESeq2 and friends"

RUN install2.r \
    DESeq2 \
    optparse \
    apeglm \
    IHW \
    limma \
    data.table \
    ggrepel \
    pheatmap \


COPY test_deseq2.R .


# note that if you want to be able to combine the two
# both ENTRYPOINT and CMD need to written in the exec form
ENTRYPOINT ["test_deseq2.R"]

# default option (if positional arguments are not specified)
CMD ["--rows", "100"]

The Config record in the output of docker inspect was updated with:

    "Labels": {
        "org.opencontainers.image.authors": "Geert van Geest",
        "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2023-04-12",
        "org.opencontainers.image.description": "Container with DESeq2 and friends",
        "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
        "org.opencontainers.image.source": "",
        "org.opencontainers.image.vendor": "Rocker Project"

Building an image with a browser interface

In this exercise, we will use a different base image (rocker/rstudio:4), and we’ll install the same packages. Rstudio server is a nice browser interface that you can use for a.o. programming in R. With the image we are creating we will be able to run Rstudio server inside a container. Check out the Dockerfile:

FROM rocker/rstudio:4

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y libz-dev

RUN install2.r \
    optparse \

RUN R -q -e 'BiocManager::install("biomaRt")'

This will create an image from the existing rstudio image. It will also install libz-dev with apt-get, BiocManager with install2.r and DESeq2 with an R command. Despite we’re installing the same packages, the installation steps need to be different from the r-base image. This is because in the rocker/rstudio images R is installed from source, and therefore you can’t install packages with apt-get. More information on how to install R packages in R containers in this cheat sheet, or visit

Installation will take a while

The installation of CRAN packages will go relatively quickly, because can use the binary packages supplied by Posit Public Package Manager. However, the installation of Bioconductor packages will take a while, because they need to be installed from source.

If you don’t have time, you can skip the DESeq2 installation by removing the last line of the Dockerfile.

Exercise: Build an image based on this Dockerfile and give it a meaningful name.

docker build -t rstudio-server .
docker build --platform amd64 -t rstudio-server .

You can now run a container from the image. However, you will have to tell docker where to publish port 8787 from the docker container with -p [HOSTPORT:CONTAINERPORT]. We choose to publish it to the same port number:

docker run --rm -it -p 8787:8787 rstudio-server


More info on docker container networking here

By running the above command, a container will be started exposing rstudio server at port 8787 at localhost. You can approach the instance of Rstudio server by typing localhost:8787 in your browser. You will be asked for a password. You can find this password in the terminal from which you have started the container.

We can make this even more interesting by mounting a local directory to the container running the Rstudio image:

docker run \
-it \
--rm \
-p 8787:8787 \
--mount type=bind,source=/Users/myusername/working_dir,target=/home/rstudio/working_dir \

By doing this you have a completely isolated and shareable R environment running Rstudio server, but with your local files available to it. Pretty neat right?