Project 1

Project 1 is about a single cell sequencing project of zebrafish retina. Photoreceptors were damaged with MNU and the response was investigated with help of transgenic fish that contained contstruct with a non-coding element (careg) regulating attached to a EGFP transcript, that can be used as regenerative activation marker. For single-cell transcriptomics analysis, cell suspensions were created from retinal cells, and processed with the 10x 3’ kit.

Available data

Data has been downloaded and prepared for you from GEO GSE202212. The format is .h5, and contains the count matrices after running cellranger. To create the count tables, the EGFP sequence was added to the reference genome. The gene name of EGFP is GFPx.

In order to download the data, run:

wget thedata.tar.gz
tar -xzcvf thedata.tar.gz

After extracting, you see that there are eight files with count matrices:


Showing us that we have two replicates per treatment, and four treatments:

  • ctrl: controls
  • 3dp: 3 days post injury
  • 7dp: 7 days post injury
  • 10dp: 10 days post injury

Use the following code to read the h5 files in R, and create a combined Seurat object:

# get a list of file names
h5_files <- list.files("data/project1/GSE202212_RAW/", full.names = TRUE)

# create a list of seurat objects
seu_list <- lapply(h5_files,
  function(x) {
    # extract the sample name from the file name
    sample_id <- basename(x) |> word(2, sep = "_")
    # read the h5 files as sparse matrix and convert it to a seurat object
    Read10X_h5(x, use.names = TRUE, unique.features = TRUE) |> 
      CreateSeuratObject(project = sample_id) 

# name the list according to the treatment name
names(seu_list) <- basename(h5_files) |> word(2, sep = "_")

# merge the seurat objects and join the assay layers
seu <- merge(seu_list[[1]], y = seu_list[2:length(seu_list)],
             add.cell.ids = names(seu_list),
             project = "zebra") |>
Project exercise

with this dataset, go through the steps we have performed during the course, and try to reproduce the results provided in the paper. Pay specific attention to quality control, clustering and annotation.


  • For mitochondrial genes, ribosomol genes and hemoglobin genes you can use the following patterns: "^mt-", "^rp[sl]" and "^hb[^(p)]".
  • Work iterative; meaning that based on results of an analyis, adjust the previous analysis. For example, if clustering is not according to cell types, try to adjust the number of components or the resolution.