- Distribution of GenericParticipant@en
- Distribution of reactions according to the first class of the enzyme classi...@en
- Distribution of reactions according to the first level of enzyme classifica...@en
- Distribution: number of reaction participants per reaction Side@en
- Distribution: number of reaction participants per reaction Side@en
- Generate a draft human metabolome@en
- Get chebi compound of a given InChI@en
- Get structural data of a given ChEBI compound (CHEBI:29985 L-glutamate)@en
- Get tautomer of a given chebi compound@en
- Get the list of reactions involving a ChEBI participant with has role antif...
- Get the number of ChEBI participant with at least one xref to CAS number as...@en
- Get uniprot name of a given chebi compound@en
- Give me all CHEBI identifier and label for the descendants of CHEBI:17815 (...@en
- Give me the list of Rhea generics, type polypeptide (rh:GenericPolypeptideP...@en
- Give me the reactions involving a given Rhea generic (GENERIC:11964, "reduc...@en
- Give me the set of approved reactions missing citations@en
- How many descendants of CHEBI:17815 (a 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol) in the ChEBI...@en
- How many reactions involve CHEBI:17815 (a 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol) or one of...@en
- How many reactions involve CHEBI:17815 (a 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol)?@en
- List all generic compounds@en
- List all polymers@en
- List all small molecules@en
- Number of IsA relationships, distinct child reactions and distinct parent r...@en
- Number of approved reactions missing citations@en
- Number of compounds according to their category (Small molecule, Generic co...@en
- Number of distinct rhea, EC number, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries involved i...@en
- Number of reactions that have parent and child reactions@en
- Pairs of reaction participants that belong to the same reaction but on dist...@en
- Retrieve parent reactions (and their catalyzing enzymes) for a metabolite t...@en
- Retrieve the set of metabolites involved in reactions catalyzed by human ge...@en
- Retrieve the set of reactions catalyzed by enzymes of the ECOLI reference p...@en
- Retrieve the set of reactions catalyzed by human enzymes (reactions - EC - ...@en
- SELECT the number of reactions in Rhea@en
- Search for Chemical names starting in Japanese, translated to english using...@en
- Select all ChEBI compounds used in Rhea as reaction participant@en
- Select all Rhea reactions annotated with a given Pubmed ID@en
- Select all Rhea reactions linked to an enzyme classification (sub)-class@en
- Select all Rhea reactions linked to protein sequences (enzymes and transpor...@en
- Select all Rhea reactions mapped to GO molecular functions@en
- Select all Rhea reactions mapped to KEGG reactions@en
- Select all Rhea reactions mapped to MetaCyc reactions@en
- Select all Rhea reactions mapped to Reactome reactions@en
- Select all Rhea reactions mapped to enzyme classification (EC numbers)@en
- Select all Rhea reactions that have a given ChEBI ID as reaction participan...@en
- Select all Rhea reactions that have a pair of ChEBI IDs as reaction partici...@en
- Select all Rhea reactions that involve a lipid, i.e. children of CHEBI:1805...@en
- Select all Rhea reactions used in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot for a given organism...@en
- Select all Rhea reactions@en
- Select all approved reactions annotated with a given Pubmed ID (2460092, an...@en
- Select all approved reactions involving lipids (subclass of CHEBI:18059...@en
- Select all approved reactions involving lipids (subclass of CHEBI:18059...@en
- Select all approved reactions involving lipids (subclass of CHEBI:18059...@en
- Select all approved reactions involving a carbohydrate derivative (subc...@en
- Select all approved reactions involving a carbohydrate (subclass of *CH...@en
- Select all approved reactions involving a monosaccharide derivative (su...@en
- Select all approved reactions involving a monosaccharide (subclass of *...@en
- Select all approved reactions linked to PMID:2460092@en
- Select all approved reactions linked to a given EC number (EC
- Select all approved reactions using CHEBI:29985 (L-glutamate) as small mole...@en
- Select all approved reactions using L-glutamine (CHEBI:29985) AND L-glutama...@en
- Select all approved reactions with CHEBI:17815 (a 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol) o...@en
- Select all approved reactions with CHEBI:17815 (a 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol) o...@en
- Select all approved reactions with participant(s) being CHEBI:17815 (a 1,2-...@en
- Select all approved transport reactions@en
- Select all children reactions and give the number of parent reactions.@en
- Select all citations of a given reaction@en
- Select all compounds and count their occurrence in Rhea reactions@en
- Select all compounds and count their occurrence in Rhea reactions@en
- Select all cross-references (to KEGG, MetaCyc, Macie, ...) for a given reac...@en
- Select all cross-references for a given reaction (RHEA:11680)@en
- Select all cross-references for a given reaction@en
- Select all reaction IDs, status and equations ordered by reaction identifie...@en
- Select all reactions and their equation, ordered by reaction identifier@en
- Select all reactions annotated with a given Pubmed ID@en
- Select all reactions linked to EC numbers@en
- Select all reactions linked to more than one EC number@en
- Select all reactions that have parents and children reactions@en
- Select all reactions with at least one parent reaction and give the number ...@en
- Select all reactions with citations, display the number of citations and OR...@en
- Select all reactions with cross-references@en
- Select all reactions with no links to EC numbers@en
- Select all the (direct) children of carbohydrate (CHEBI:16646) in the ChE...@en
- Select all the descendants of carbohydrate (CHEBI:16646) in the ChEBI ont...@en
- Select all the descendants of CHEBI:35179 (a 2-oxo carboxylate) in the ChEB...@en
- Select all the descendants of CHEBI:35179 (a 2-oxo carboxylate) in the ChEB...@en
- Select children of CHEBI:35179 (a 2-oxo carboxylate) in the ChEBI hierarchy...@en
- Select children of CHEBI:35179 (a 2-oxo carboxylate) in the ChEBI hierarchy...@en
- Select count of descendants of carbohydrate (CHEBI:16646) in the ChEBI on...@en
- Select for a given EC number@en
- Select for a given reaction@en
- Select parent reactions, give the number of child and descendant reactions@en
- Select reaction participants for a given reaction ID. Display their coeffic...@en
- Select reaction participants that appear in only one reaction@en
- Select the 10 reactions, with the lowest identifier by alphabetic sort@en
- Select the average number of citation of reactions that have at least one c...@en
- Select the average number of citation of reactions that have at least one c...@en
- Select the child reaction(s) of a given reaction (RHEA:11628) in the Rhea h...@en
- Select the descendant reaction(s) of a given reaction (RHEA:11628) in the R...@en
- Select the distribution of reactions according to their status@en
- Select the fifth to fiftheenth (inclusive) reactions, with the lowest ident...@en
- Select the number of approved reactions involving lipids (subclass of *CH...@en
- Select the number of approved reactions involving a *_carbohydrate derivati...@en
- Select the number of approved reactions involving a carbohydrate (subcl...@en
- Select the number of approved reactions involving a *_monosaccharide deriva...@en
- Select the number of approved reactions involving a monosaccharide (sub...@en
- Select the number of approved reactions using CHEBI:29985 (L-glutamate) as ...@en
- Select the number of approved reactions using L-glutamine (CHEBI:29985) AND...@en
- Select the number of reactions linked to EC numbers@en
- Select the number of reactions that have cross-references@en
- Select the number of reactions with cross-references to KEGG resource (via ...@en
- Select the number of reactions with cross-references to MetaCyc@en
- Select the number of reactions with no links to EC numbers@en
- Select the number of reactions with status Approved@en
- Select the parent reaction(s) of a given reaction@en
- Select the specific form of RHEA:11628, a reaction that deals with general ...
- Total number of links@en
- Use IDSM Sachem to find ChEBIs with a a Cholestane skeleton (in SMILES). Th...
- Where are the human genes encoding enzymes metabolizing cholesterol express...@en
- Where are the human genes encoding enzymes metabolizing cholesterol express...@en
- list = EC numbers not linked to UniProt entries@en
- list = protein - components -ec@en